> On Oct 17, 2017, at 10:00 AM, Kevin Nattinger <sw...@nattinger.net> wrote:
> Once we allow covariant functions to satisfy protocol requirements and have 
> generalized existentials and recursive protocol requirements, wouldn't we be 
> able to update thusly:
> protocol Unordered {
>       func map<T>(…) -> Any<U: Unordered where U.Element == T>
> }
> protocol Ordered: Unordered {
>       func map<T>(…) -> Any<O: Ordered where O.Element == T>
> }

Now apply that to every order-preserving function that takes a Sequence and 
returns another Sequence. You’ve moved the burden from users of API to 
implementers of API. It reminds me of the const/non-const split that C++ 
developers have to deal with, where a lot of functions end up being implemented 
twice so that you can have a const version and a non-const version (generally 
one just calls the other). It’s a pain. I don’t want that when working with 
Sequences. I don’t think it’s worth it. And FWIW, when I was programming in C# 
I wrote functions that took an IEnumerable<T> and return another IEnumerable<T> 
very often. It’s a powerful feature that would have been ruined by a change 
like this.

> As I've been saying all along, elementsEqual returning a functionally random 
> result when an unordered type is involved is a problem.

In theory. Where is the evidence that this leads to a significant number of 
real-world bugs? All you’ve done is describe a conceptual problem, but you 
haven’t connected the dots to real-world problems. Again, I can point to .Net, 
which has a much larger community of developers who have been working with the 
same “problem” since version 2.0 released in 2005. If this is a significant 
source of bugs then there should be evidence of that. Where is that evidence?
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