Just for the reference. There was a lengthy discussion here in the mailing list 
back when the proposal was introduced:


> On Oct 31, 2017, at 5:15 PM, Daryle Walker via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Looking at Apple’s Swift (4) docs at their SDK site, shouldn’t there be an 
> “Integer” protocol between Numeric and BinaryInteger? Without that, there’s 
> no solution for Integer types that are either a non-binary radix or a 
> non-radix system (besides being over-broad with Numeric).
> What would move there are: isSigned, quotientAndRemainder, signum, %, %=, /, 
> and /=.
> Also, how is ~ supposed to work in a BinaryInteger that is not a 
> FixedWidthInteger? Extend the high bits to infinity? Maybe that operator 
> should move to the derived protocol.
> Oh, why can’t a non-binary Integer type be fixed-width? FixedWidthInteger 
> should be renamed “FixedWidthBinaryInteger,” which derives from BinaryInteger 
> and a new version of FixedWidthInteger. The new version peels off: max, min, 
> addingReportingOverflow, dividedReportingOverflow, dividingFullWidth, 
> multipliedFullWidth, multipliedReportingOverflow, remainderReportingOverflow, 
> and subtractingReportingOverflow. There’s also a “digitWidth” type property, 
> analogous to “bitWidth”.
> Sent from my iPad
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