> On Nov 3, 2017, at 8:40 AM, Dave DeLong via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> That’s cool, but a hygienic macro system isn’t anywhere on the Swift roadmap.
> Chris has mentioned in interviews that such a system is "a big feature that’s 
> open-ended and requires a huge design process” which makes off-the-table for 
> Swift 5, and (I’m guessing) unlikely for Swift 6 too.
> Personally I’d like to be able to better debug my apps in Swift 4.1 rather 
> than waiting another 2 or 3 years for a magical macro system to somehow solve 
> this.

Heh. I sort of feel that adding procedural macros to a language with a complex 
syntax and semantics like Swift doesn’t make much sense at all. I would be 
pretty strongly opposed to any macro system proposal unless a compelling case 
could be made that it would improve implementation quality by significantly 
simplifying the code (for example, by moving parts of the type checker into the 
standard library).

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