On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 10:28 AM Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 11:23 AM, Tony Allevato <tony.allev...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 11:01 PM Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution <
>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> Nit: if you want to call it `ValueEnumerable`, then this should be
>>> `DefaultValueCollection`.
>>> More generally though, I can see the appeal of allowing `Int` to conform
>>> to `ValueEnumerable`, but I've got a feeling that this is headed rapidly in
>>> the direction of overengineering a feature without a good rationale for the
>>> additional complexity. The stated use case is to enumerate the cases of an
>>> enum, and any additional complexity above that should stand on its own
>>> merit. I disagree quite vehemently that protocols should be "as general as
>>> possible"; rather, they exist to enable useful generic algorithms and
>>> should be as _useful_ as possible. There is a happy medium beyond which
>>> overengineering the design makes a protocol markedly less
>>> usable/approachable for the sake of enabling rare functionality.
>> Perhaps "no more specific than they need to be" would have been a better
>> choice of words on my part than "as general as possible".
>> I'm not sure why you think this decision makes the protocol "markedly
>> less usable/approachable". and I think you're seeing a lot of complexity
>> that isn't there. Regarding good rationale, I've given that in this thread
>> above and in the previous discussion thread, but I'll summarize it again
>> here:
>> 1) "The stated use case is to enumerate the cases of an enum" isn't
>> sufficient for designing a protocol because Swift does not have protocols
>> that are restricted only to enums. Just as anyone can conform their own
>> types to RawRepresentable, anyone should be able to conform their own types
>> to ValueEnumerable.
> This is the part of the argument that I am questioning. If the desired use
> case is to enumerate the cases of an enum, is it much of a gain to allow
> anyone to be able to conform their own non-enum types to this protocol?
> Yes, if you buy that, then much of the rest follows. But make no mistake
> that it is not necessary to serve the desired use case and dramatically
> increases the complexity of the design (see below for just some
> considerations).

Some increase in complexity is certainly going to be introduced by
generalizing a design to make it useful to more than just a single use
case, but I hope you understand that using unquantifiable and subjective
qualifiers like "markedly less usable" or "dramatically increases the
complexity" is a bit unhelpful when trying to debate specifics. You clearly
put a great deal of thought into design problems like this and I always
appreciate your points of view, so I want to focus on the objective parts.

In prior threads on this topic, I believe I recall you saying that a static
property that returns an array is fine. (I don't remember your exact words,
so please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't want to misstate your position.)
Given the concerns I've pointed out about why that is both a time and
memory performance problem, and given your focus on the common use case
above, I'd appreciate your opinion on these points:

* Are you advocating for a magic protocol that *only* enums can conform to?
(This is a different issue than whether the protocol is just a
compiler-known protocol that it can synthesize.)
    * If yes, why intentionally restrict it others from implementing the
protocol? That's actually *more* complexity than allowing it, like we do
with RawRepresentable. There's also no precedent for "a protocol that can
only be applied to enums" in the Swift language. The ramifications of that
decision introduce their own design complexity—you're just shifting it
around, not avoiding it.
    * If no, then I don't think we differ on this point.

* Do you think that the type of this property should still be an array,
with all of the performance problems that it brings, or would you find a
sufficiently array-like but more performant type to be fine?

>> And once that's allowed, they should be able to do so without imposing an
>> overly restrictive API. What if a custom type has thousands of elements
>> that are easily computed sequentially or from an index? Forcing an Array on
>> the implementor is an unnecessary restriction and a burden. (More on this
>> below.)
>> 2) There is *no decrease in usability for the common use case *by
>> choosing to make the protocol associated type a Sequence instead of a
>> Collection or Array because the concrete type synthesized by the compiler 
>> *would
>> be a more refined concrete type anyway.* In other words, anyone who
>> writes "MyEnum.allValues" would get back an integer-indexable random access
>> collection. I can imagine useful algorithms (more of an
>> algebraic/set-theoretical nature) that could be written for types with
>> countably infinite value sets. Why require breaking source/ABI
>> compatibility later if we can avoid it now, at no cost for the common user?
>> 2.1) Anyone who writes a generic algorithm constrained over
>> ValueEnumerable *would* have to add an additional constraint of "where
>> T: RandomAccessCollection, T.Index == Int". This is a slight increase in
>> complexity, but I would argue that if someone is writing generic algorithms
>> over collections (and that's what this is), then this is something they
>> should already familiar with. I argue that that trade-off is
>> acceptable—others might disagree.
>> 3) There is *no good reason* for the compiler to perform slow memory
>> allocation operations to shuffle around information that it *already
>> knows* when it can just as easily provide a specialized compact value
>> type that is far more time/space efficient. I should finish the prototype I
>> was working on—the code synthesis is not markedly more difficult than it
>> would be to write code that constructs an array.
>> 4) Most users *think* they need an array when what they really want is
>> to be able to get the count of elements, iterate over them, and possibly
>> integer-index into them. The specialized collection type can do all of
>> those things more efficiently.
>> 4.1) If a user *truly* needs an array, they just write
>> "Array(MyEnum.allValues)".
>>> Along the lines of user ergonomics, I would advocate for as many enums
>>> as possible to conform without explicit opt-in. It's true that we are
>>> moving away from such magical designs, and for good reason, but the gain
>>> here of enums Just Working(TM) for such a long-demanded feature has, I
>>> would argue, more benefits than drawbacks. To my mind, the feature is a lot
>>> like `RawRepresentable` in several ways, and it would be defensible for an
>>> equal amount of magic to be enabled for it.
>> I tend to agree with this philosophically, but the same argument about a
>> long-demanded feature Just Working™ could be/was made for
>> Equatable/Hashable being implicit and we decided to make it opt-in instead.
>> I'm worried that we're going down a road where "this set of protocols is
>> opt-in and this set of protocols is always-on" and users have to remember
>> which are which. (And in some cases, it's even more complex! Enums are
>> always Eq/Hash if they have raw values or no associated values, for
>> historical reasons but they're opt-in with associated values.)
> There are key differences here. Equatable and Hashable have extensive
> semantic guarantees, and it is certainly not the case that a type with
> members that are all Equatable fulfills those guarantees itself. It would
> be undesirable to have implicit Equatable conformance because the compiler
> cannot guarantee semantics and must not make such assumptions. (The
> implicit conformance of certain enums to Equatable and Hashable is
> interesting yet defensible because it relies on an aspect of those enums
> not shared with other types, an aspect that can be profitably relied
> upon--see below.) All enums that have one or more cases with no associated
> values, by contrast, have an enumerable set of cases. This is something
> knowable to the compiler.

I agree with this. I think an argument could be successfully made that
since enums without associated values already conform to Equatable/Hashable
implicitly, and enums with raw values conform to RawRepresentable
implicitly, the same could be done for ValueEnumerable. But, I brought it
up because it's easy to imagine that there would be concerns raised about
adding more of these special cases to the language (which does add design
complexity, right?).

This goes to the issue above of whether it is desirable in the first place
> to conflate enums that have enumerable cases with a more general
> "ValueEnumerable"; the requested feature is to enumerate enum cases, and
> having a set of unique cases is a feature of enums not shared with other
> types. Inevitably, when you generalize, then you must ask what it means for
> a non-enum type to have a set of enumerable case-like values. For example,
> note that there is no particular need for an ordered collection if we are
> considering enums (cf. previous conversations about supporting resilient
> reordering of enum cases); by contrast, such a design would be highly
> unintuitive for a range, which has an implicitly ordered set of values.
> Since each enum case is guaranteed to be unique, and since Equatable and
> Hashable conformance is implicitly synthesized in such a way that all cases
> compare not equal to other cases, we could even use a Set for an enum's
> `allCases`. Of course, to eliminate the potential need for allocating
> memory, this could be a custom type with set-like semantics, but
> nonetheless it allows us to guarantee that `Set(T.allCases).count ==
> T.allCases.count`, which would be a nontrivial semantic requirement in the
> more general case of custom `ValueEnumerable` conformance that the author
> of the conforming type would need to consider--if we want to insist on that
> semantic requirement at all.

These are great points! Regarding the ordering question—I agree that purely
theoretically, the cases of an enum are just an unordered set of values.
But, just as you are interested in meeting the needs of end users, so am
I—and one of the situations where I commonly see this feature requested is
to build UIs (menus, table view sections, etc.) from the cases of an enum.
Any design of this feature that would require users to specify the ordering
of their elements secondarily to the order they appear in source code would
make this feature useless for them, and those are the people we're trying
to help.

So, I do accept an ordered collection as a compromise that makes the
feature usable even at the cost of losing some amount of generality. But
that's fine—all of these design problems are on a spectrum, from highly
specific on one end to highly general on the other. The main thing I want
to point out with this discussion is that we *can* make the design a bit
more general without harming usability for the common use case *and* make
it future-proof so we're not shutting out other potential use cases that
are harder to fix due to source/ABI compatibility or adding odd special
cases to the language.
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