Hi Chris,

I’ve had a quick look into how your proposals will allow interop with other 
dynamic languages. It seems that the model that you chose, where calling a 
function is a two-step process (getting a DynamicCallable function from a 
DynamicMemberLookupProtocol type) fits Python like a glove, where everything 
(including functions) is a PyVal. But in other languages, like Ruby, this model 
makes less sense.

For example, here is how one uses the Ruby C API to call a method of an object:

result = rb_funcallv(obj, rb_intern(“methodName"), arg_count, args);

And here is how one gets and sets instance variables:

x = rb_iv_get(obj, "@x");
rb_iv_set(obj, "@x", x);

Moreover, Ruby allows classes to have instance variables with the same name as 

class Foo
  def initialize()
    @bar = 5

  def bar()
    puts “Hello"

In that case, how would one implement DynamicMemberLookupProtocol for the 
lookup of bar, and what would the return value be? Its entirely context 

If we want a model that fits the most languages, shouldn’t we redefine 
DynamicCallable to specify the function name?

protocol DynamicCallable {
    associatedtype DynamicCallableArgument
    associatedtype DynamicCallableResult

    func dynamicCall(function: String, arguments: [(String, 
DynamicCallableArgument)]) throws -> DynamicCallableResult

This would work in both languages:

extension PyVal: DynamicMemberLookupProtocol, DynamicCallable {
    func dynamicCall(function: String, arguments: [(String, PyVal)]) throws -> 
PyVal {
        let functionVal = self[function]

extension RbVal: DynamicMemberLookupProtocol, DynamicCallable {
    func dynamicCall(function: String, arguments: [(String, PyVal)]) throws -> 
PyVal {
        return rb_funcallv(self, rb_intern(function), arguments.count, 


> On 20 Nov 2017, at 03:16, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As I mentioned on a couple other threads, I’ve been working on improving 
> Swift interoperability with Python.  I have two pitches out: one to improve 
> Python member lookup and one to improve calls to Python values.  While those 
> proposals are important, I think it is also useful to see what can be 
> accomplished with Swift today.
> To show you how far we can get, here is a Swift playground (tested with Xcode 
> 9) that has an example interoperability layer, and a tutorial for using it.  
> If you’re interested in the pitches, or in Python, please check it out:
> <PythonInterop.playground.zip>
> In addition to showing how far the interop can go today (which is really 
> quite far) it shows what the future will look like assuming the member lookup 
> and call issues are resolved.  To reiterate what I said on the pitch threads, 
> I am not attached at all to the details of the two pitches themselves, I 
> simply want the problems they address to be solved.
> Finally, of course I also welcome questions and feedback on the actual 
> approach, naming, and other suggestions to improve the model!  Thanks,
> -Chris
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