> On Nov 20, 2017, at 10:09 AM, Drew Crawford via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> The typical case for this function in my code is the identity closure, that is
>     let a: [Int?] = ...
>     print(a.filterMap {$0})
> filterMap is quite poor for this situation because *each* component in the 
> term is inaccurate:

filterMap is indeed an awkward name for this use case, just like flatMap is. In 
my experience, about half of my use cases use the identity closure, and half 
actually make use of the closure in a meaningful way. I would support a 
proposal to add something like Sequence.dropNils (actual name to be 
determined), and then we could let this proposal target the 
non-identity-closure use case.


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