> On Nov 12, 2017, at 8:11 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> Secondly, this proposal suggests allowing the same capture list syntax from 
>> closures in local functions. Capture lists would still be invalid in 
>> top-level and member functions.
> I think this is a good idea, but I don't like bringing the already weird use 
> of `in` to actual functions.
> By analogy with the current closure syntax, the capture list ought to go 
> somewhere before the parameter list, in one of these slots:
> 1.    func fn<T>[foo, bar](param: T) throws -> T where T: Equatable { … }
> 2.    func fn[foo, bar]<T>(param: T) throws -> T where T: Equatable { … }
> 3.    func [foo, bar] fn<T>(param: T) throws -> T where T: Equatable { … }
> 4.    [foo, bar] func fn<T>(param: T) throws -> T where T: Equatable { … }
> Of these options, I actually think #4 reads best; 1 and 2 are very cluttered, 
> and 3 just seems weird. But it seems like the one that would be easiest to 
> misparse.

This is relatively rare, so I’d suggest introducing a context sensitive keyword 
to make it explicit, perhaps:

5. func fn<T>[foo, bar](param: T) throws -> T where T: Equatable captures [foo, 
bar] { … }

It makes sense (IMO) to keep it near the body of the function, since it is more 
an artifact of the implementation than it is about the API.  Yes I know that 
caring about the API of a local function is weird :-)  


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