> On 08 Dec 2017, at 00:06, Paul Cantrell <cantr...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 7, 2017, at 12:37 AM, Letanyan Arumugam <letanya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> My main objection to the critical responses is that most of the objections 
>>> are fundamentally cultural, not technical, and are fear-based, not 
>>> evidence-based.
>> The goal of this proposal is to bring people from a culture where excessive 
>> use of this would be the norm for them. Why would it be so hard to imagine 
>> that people would adopt bad principles, knowing or unknowing, because this 
>> is what they’ve always done?
> Languages bring in new developers who misapply their experience all the time. 
> Look at the early days of Ruby when it was actively working to pull new 
> developers away from Java, developers who were in the habit of using names 
> like AbstractItemManagerFactoryImpl. Look at beginner Swift code posted in 
> Stack Overflow questions, littered with careless force unwraps that are 
> clearly there because that’s the fixit and sort of smells like C or Java, not 
> because they actually thought about what they were doing.
> Note in both cases how the center of gravity of the language did •not• move. 
> Note how poorly designed libraries that didn’t fit the language did •not• see 
> adoption. Note how the core community acted as good teachers to the newcomers.
>> My fear is that a design pattern around dynamic members and calls arise that 
>> is used to bypass the perceived initial annoyance of Swifts type system from 
>> new developers that come over to Swift and are now starting to try and go 
>> native.
> That contradicts the historical experience of other languages that have seen 
> “crossover” adoption from developers bringing very different mental models 
> with them.
> A Swift library released today that senselessly used dynamic member lookup 
> without good engineering reason would go over just about as well as an 
> AbstractItemManagerFactoryImpl would have gone over with the Ruby community 
> in 2007.
> Again, a language feature alone will not erase the good sense of the 
> language’s stewards, or poison its community.
> People come to Swift to write Swift. People trying to write Python or Ruby or 
> C in Swift will feel the friction, learn from that, adjust their habits 
> taking a cue from the code they find in the surrounding ecosystem, and learn 
> to think “Swiftly.” This has been the case in every language before Swift; it 
> will not stop being the case now.
> Joe hit this nail on the head:
>> On Dec 7, 2017, at 10:08 AM, Joe DeCapo via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> When I began writing Python, I initially named all my variables in camel 
>> case. And when I used the Subprocess module, I was passing return codes 
>> throughout my code base like it was bash. Even though I didn't know what was 
>> idiomatic in Python at that time, I could still sense a code smell in what I 
>> was writing. I soon learned that snake case was the standard, so I updated 
>> my code. And eventually I learned how to use exceptions and I refactored my 
>> code to use them instead of return codes. I doubt that this is unusual when 
>> coming to a new language with previous experience in other languages. It 
>> seems inevitable, and a normal process for becoming familiar with the idioms 
>> of a certain language community. I don't think we need to be so fearful of 
>> the community fracturing if people from a dynamic language background come 
>> to Swift and initially use those idioms. It will always be more burdensome 
>> to do things in a non-idiomatic way, and over time people will learn how to 
>> write idiomatic Swift.
> Exactly.
>> On Dec 7, 2017, at 12:37 AM, Letanyan Arumugam <letanya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Evidence is going to be hard to get since I don’t know any other language 
>> like Swift that has done this for the same reasons before. As far as C# goes 
>> were they trying to get people from a heavily based dynamic community or 
>> help those already in the community?
>>> If a little extra language ceremony helps assuage those fears, I guess I’d 
>>> consider it. I still think static analysis — starting and mostly ending 
>>> with boring old syntax coloring — answers most all the concerns people have 
>>> raised, and this debate is a tempest in a teapot.
>> I'm unsure of this, but as far as I’m aware Swift language proposals 
>> shouldn’t rely on editor features. But like I said I’m unsure of this and if 
>> someone could clarify this that would great.
> Type inference effectively does, to at least the same degree as this 
> proposal. See my previous post reflecting on why Java chose not to have any 
> sort of type inference:
> https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20171127/041926.html
> • • •
> It’s wise to remember Flon’s Law:
> “There is not now, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be, any 
> programming language in which it is the least bit difficult to write bad 
> code.”
> We should design languages to make writing excellent code as pleasant and 
> rewarding as possible. Or more accurately, we should design them so that 
> there exists a way of writing excellent code that is pleasingly well suited 
> to the language and the ecosystem that surrounds it.
> Designing languages instead to forcibly prevent or punish bad programming is 
> not merely futile, but in fact actively thwarts that first goal.
> Now, how can we use dynamic member lookup in Swift to make its way of writing 
> excellent code more excellent still?
> Cheers,
> Paul

Okay I’ll concede and hope that a sub community, who are forced to use Swift 
because of the success of this proposal and others to follow, doesn’t form 
creating their own separate design patterns and beliefs :)

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