To me the short syntax should be a ‘macro’ expansion (syntax sugar only), 
therefore option 1 in Nick’s example. I choose the syntax sugar option because 
it is easy to explain. 

-- Howard. 

> On 12 Dec 2017, at 7:03 pm, Nick Keets via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 12:42 AM, Slava Pestov via swift-evolution 
>> <> wrote:
>> I think it gets confusing when you have multiple levels of nested 
>> expressions, eg
>> foo(bar(x?)) + y?
>> Slava
> I'm not sure we need to optimize much for complicated nested examples, as I 
> don't think this is something that will happen a lot in practice. I imagine 
> the most common scenario will be a single call with one or more arguments.
> Having said that, we did receive 2 different reasonable answers on what the 
> evaluation order would be for:
>       f(a(), b?)
> (1) It desugars to:
> if let someB = b {
>       f(a(), someB)
> }
> So a() doesn't get called if b is nil.
> (2) "If you were to write this logic out by hand then you would short-circuit 
> it and this is analogous to current chaining behaviour so to me evaluating 
> left to right (as Swift usually does) and stopping at the first failed unwrap 
> would make sense"
> So a() gets called if b is nil.
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