And really, this is more an issue for swift-evolution, since what you’re 
talking about (self-incrementing indexes) would be a new language feature.

- Karl

> On 3. Jan 2018, at 01:19, Karl Wagner <> wrote:
> Swift used to do this, but we switched it around so indexes couldn’t 
> self-increment.
> One of the problems was that strings are value-types. So you would get an 
> index, then append stuff to the string, but when you tried to advance the 
> index again it would blow up. The index retained the backing, which means the 
> “append” caused a copy, and the index was suddenly pointing to a different 
> String backing.
> Basically, self-incrementing indexes require that the Collection has 
> reference semantics. Otherwise there simply is no concept of an independent 
> “owning” Collection which your Index can hold a reference to.
> Anyway, that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Collection-slicing syntax is still 
> way too ugly. We need to keep it safe, and communicative, but it should also 
> be obvious and not tiring.
> Currently, you have to write:
> <collection>[<collection>.index(<collection>.<member>, offsetBy: <distance>)]
> And an example...
> results[results.index(results.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)]
> Which is safe, and communicative, and obvious, but also really, really 
> tiring. There are ways we can make it less tiring without sacrificing the 
> good parts:
> 1) Add a version of index(_: offsetBy:) which takes a KeyPath<Self, 
> Self.Index> as its first argument. That’s a minor convenience you can add 
> today in your own projects. It removes one repetition of <collection>, in 
> many common cases.
> extension Collection {
>   func index(_ i: KeyPath<Self, Index>, offsetBy n: IndexDistance) -> Index {
>     return index(self[keyPath: i], offsetBy: n)
>   }
>   func index(_ i: KeyPath<Self, Index>, offsetBy n: IndexDistance, limitedBy: 
> Index) -> Index? {
>     return index(self[keyPath: i], offsetBy: n, limitedBy: limitedBy)
>   }
> }
> results[results.index(\.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)]
> Seriously, man, KeyPaths are just the business. I love them.
> 2) Bind <collection> to something like an anonymous closure argument within 
> the subscript. Or just allow “.” syntax, as for static members. That removes 
> another <collection>.
> results[.index(\.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)]
> or
> results[$.index(\.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)]
> If anybody’s interested, I was playing around with an “IndexExpression” type 
> for this kind of thing. The language lets you get pretty far, but it doesn’t 
> work and I can’t figure out why. It looks like a simple-enough generic 
> struct, but it fails with a cyclic metadata dependency.
> <>
> - Karl
>> On 19. Dec 2017, at 08:38, Cao, Jiannan via swift-dev < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> I implemented the second approach: SuperIndex
>> <>
>> SuperString is a special version of String. Its SuperIndex keeps a reference 
>> to the string, let the index calculate the offset.
>> struct SuperIndex : Comparable, Strideable, CustomStringConvertible {
>>     var owner: Substring
>>     var wrapped: String.Index
>>      ...
>>     // Offset
>>     var offset: Int {
>>         return owner.distance(from: owner.startIndex, to: wrapped)
>>     }
>>     // Strideable
>>     func advanced(by n: SuperIndex.Stride) -> SuperIndex {
>>         return SuperIndex(owner.index(wrapped, offsetBy: n), owner)
>>     }
>>     static  func +(lhs: SuperIndex, rhs: SuperIndex.Stride) -> SuperIndex {
>>         return lhs.advanced(by: rhs)
>>     }
>> }
>> let a: SuperString = "01234"
>> let o = a.startIndex
>> let o1 = o + 4
>> print(a[o]) // 0
>> print(a[...]) // 01234
>> print(a[..<(o+2)]) // 01
>> print(a[...(o+2)]) // 012
>> print(a[(o+2)...]) // 234
>> print(a[o+2..<o+3]) // 2
>> print(a[o1-2...o1-1]) // 23
>> if let number = a.index(of: "1") {
>>     print(number) // 1
>>     print(a[number...]) // 1234
>> }
>> if let number = a.index(where: { $0 > "1" }) {
>>     print(number) // 2
>> }
>> let b = a[(o+1)...]
>> let z = b.startIndex
>> let z1 = z + 4
>> print(b[z]) // 1
>> print(b[...]) // 1234
>> print(b[..<(z+2)]) // 12
>> print(b[...(z+2)]) // 123
>> print(b[(z+2)...]) // 34
>> print(b[z+2...z+3]) // 34
>> print(b[z1-2...z1-2]) // 3
>>> 在 2017年12月18日,下午4:53,Cao, Jiannan < 
>>> <>> 写道:
>>> Or we can copy the design of std::vector::iterator in C++.The index could 
>>> keep a reference to the collection.
>>> When the index being offset by + operator, it could call the owner to 
>>> offset the index, since it keeps a reference to the collection owner.
>>> let startIndex = s.startIndex
>>> s[startIndex+1]
>>> public struct MyIndex<T: Collection> : Comparable where T.Index == MyIndex {
>>>     public let owner: T
>>> ...
>>>     public static func + (lhs: MyIndex, rhs: T.IndexDistance) -> MyIndex {
>>>         return lhs.owner.index(lhs, offsetBy: rhs)
>>>     }
>>> }
>>>> 在 2017年12月15日,上午9:34,Michael Ilseman < 
>>>> <>> 写道:
>>>> Yes, I was trying to highlight that they are different and should be 
>>>> treated different. This was because it seemed you were conflating the two 
>>>> in your argument. You claim that people expect it, and I’m pointing out 
>>>> that what people actually expect (assuming they’re coming from C or 
>>>> languages with a similar model) already exists as those models deal in 
>>>> encoded offsets.
>>>> More important than expectations surrounding what to provide to a 
>>>> subscript are expectations surrounding algorithmic complexity. This has 
>>>> security implications. The expectation of subscript is that it is 
>>>> “constant-ish”, for a fuzzy hand-wavy definition of “constant-ish” which 
>>>> includes amortized constant or logarithmic.
>>>> Now, I agree with the overall sentiment that `index(offsetBy:)` is 
>>>> unwieldy. I am interested in approaches to improve this. But, we cannot 
>>>> throw linear complexity into subscript without extreme justification.
>>>>> On Dec 14, 2017, at 5:25 PM, Cao, Jiannan < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> This offset is unicode offset, is not the offset of element. 
>>>>> For example: index(startIndex, offsetBy:1) is encodedOffset 4 or 8, not 1.
>>>>> Offset indexable is based on the offset of count of each element/index. 
>>>>> it is the same result of s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy:i)
>>>>> The encodedOffset is the underlaying offset of unicode string, not the 
>>>>> same concept of the offset index of collection.
>>>>> The offset indexable is meaning to the elements and index of collection 
>>>>> (i-th element of the collection), not related to the unicode offset 
>>>>> (which is the underlaying data offset meaning to the UTF-16 String).
>>>>> These two offset is totally different.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Jiannan
>>>>>> 在 2017年12月15日,上午9:17,Michael Ilseman < 
>>>>>> <>> 写道:
>>>>>>> On Dec 14, 2017, at 4:49 PM, Cao, Jiannan via swift-dev 
>>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> People used to the offset index system instead of the String.Index. 
>>>>>>> Using offset indices to name the elements, count the elements is normal 
>>>>>>> and nature.
>>>>>> The offset system that you’re referring to is totally available in 
>>>>>> String today, if you’re willing for it to be the offset into the 
>>>>>> encoding. That’s the offset “people” you’re referring to are likely used 
>>>>>> to and consider normal and natural. On String.Index, there is the 
>>>>>> following:
>>>>>> init(encodedOffset offset: Int 
>>>>>> <>)
>>>>>> and 
>>>>>> var encodedOffset: Int 
>>>>>> <> { get }
>>>>>> [1] 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> This offset index system has a long history and a real meaning to the 
>>>>>>> collection. The subscript s[i] has a fix meaning of "getting the i-th 
>>>>>>> element in this collection", which is normal and direct. Get the range 
>>>>>>> with offset indices, is also direct. It means the substring is from the 
>>>>>>> i-th character up to the j-th character of the original string.
>>>>>>> People used to play subscript, range with offset indices. Use 
>>>>>>> string[string.index(i, offsetBy: 5)] is not as directly and easily as 
>>>>>>> string[i + 5]. Also the Range<String.Index> is not as directly as 
>>>>>>> Range<Offset>. Developers need to transfer the Range<String.Index> 
>>>>>>> result of string.range(of:) to Range<OffsetIndex> to know the exact 
>>>>>>> range of the substring. Range<String.Index> has a real meaning to the 
>>>>>>> machine and underlaying data location for the substring, but 
>>>>>>> Range<OffsetIndex> also has a direct location information for human 
>>>>>>> being, and represents the abstract location concept of the collection 
>>>>>>> (This is the most UNIMPEACHABLE REASON I could provide).
>>>>>>> Offset index system is based on the nature of collection. Each element 
>>>>>>> of the collection could be located by offset, which is a direct and 
>>>>>>> simple conception to any collection. Right? Even the String with 
>>>>>>> String.Index has some offset index property within it. For example: the 
>>>>>>> `count` of the String, is the offset index of the endIndex.The 
>>>>>>> enumerated() generated a sequence with elements contains the same 
>>>>>>> offset as the offset index system provided. And when we apply 
>>>>>>> Array(string), the string divided by each character and make the offset 
>>>>>>> indices available for the new array.
>>>>>>> The offset index system is just an assistant for collection, not a 
>>>>>>> replacement to String.Index. We use String.Index to represent the 
>>>>>>> normal underlaying of the String. We also could use offset indices to 
>>>>>>> represent the nature of the Collection with its elements. Providing the 
>>>>>>> offset index as a second choice to access elements in collections, is 
>>>>>>> not only for the String struct, is for all collections, since it is the 
>>>>>>> nature of the collection concept, and developer could choose use it or 
>>>>>>> not. 
>>>>>>> We don't make the String.Index O(1), but translate the offset indices 
>>>>>>> to the underlaying String.Index. Each time using subscript with offset 
>>>>>>> index, we just need to translate offset indices to underlaying indices 
>>>>>>> using c.index(startIndex, offsetBy:i), c.distance(from: startIndex, 
>>>>>>> to:i) 
>>>>>>> We can make the offset indices available through extension to 
>>>>>>> Collection (as my GitHub repo demo: 
>>>>>>> <>).
>>>>>>> or we could make it at compile time:
>>>>>>> for example
>>>>>>>         c[1...]
>>>>>>> compile to
>>>>>>>         c[c.index(startIndex, offsetBy:1)...]
>>>>>>>         let index: Int = s.index(of: "a")
>>>>>>> compile to
>>>>>>>         let index: Int = s.distance(from: s.startIndex, to: 
>>>>>>> s.index(of:"a"))
>>>>>>>         let index = 1 // if used in s only
>>>>>>>         s[index..<index+2]
>>>>>>> compile to
>>>>>>>         let index = s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
>>>>>>>         s[index..<s.index(index, offsetBy: 2)]
>>>>>>>         let index = 1 // if used both in s1, s2
>>>>>>>         s1[index..<index+2]
>>>>>>>         s2[index..<index+2]
>>>>>>> compile to
>>>>>>>         let index = 1
>>>>>>>         let index1 = s1.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy: index)
>>>>>>>         let index2 = s2.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy: index)
>>>>>>>         s1[index1..<s.index(index1, offsetBy: 2)]
>>>>>>>         s2[index2..<s.index(index2, offsetBy: 2)]
>>>>>>> I really want the team to consider providing the offset index system as 
>>>>>>> an assistant to the collection. It is the very necessary basic concept 
>>>>>>> of Collection.
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Jiannan
>>>>>>>> 在 2017年12月15日,上午2:13,Jordan Rose < 
>>>>>>>> <>> 写道:
>>>>>>>> We really don't want to make subscripting a non-O(1) operation. That 
>>>>>>>> just provides false convenience and encourages people to do the wrong 
>>>>>>>> thing with Strings anyway.
>>>>>>>> I'm always interested in why people want this kind of ability. Yes, 
>>>>>>>> it's nice for teaching programming to be able to split strings on 
>>>>>>>> character boundaries indexed by integers, but where does it come up in 
>>>>>>>> real life? The most common cases I see are trying to strip off the 
>>>>>>>> first or last character, or a known prefix or suffix, and I feel like 
>>>>>>>> we should have better answers for those than "use integer indexes" 
>>>>>>>> anyway.
>>>>>>>> Jordan
>>>>>>>>> On Dec 13, 2017, at 22:30, Cao, Jiannan via swift-dev 
>>>>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I would like to discuss the String.Index problem within Swift. I know 
>>>>>>>>> the current situation of String.Index is based on the nature of the 
>>>>>>>>> underlaying data structure of the string.
>>>>>>>>> But could we just make String.Index contain offset information? Or 
>>>>>>>>> make offset index subscript available for accessing character in 
>>>>>>>>> String?
>>>>>>>>> for example:
>>>>>>>>> let a = "01234"
>>>>>>>>> print(a[0]) // 0
>>>>>>>>> print(a[0...4]) // 01234
>>>>>>>>> print(a[...]) // 01234
>>>>>>>>> print(a[..<2]) // 01
>>>>>>>>> print(a[...2]) // 012
>>>>>>>>> print(a[2...]) // 234
>>>>>>>>> print(a[2...3]) // 23
>>>>>>>>> print(a[2...2]) // 2
>>>>>>>>> if let number = a.index(of: "1") {
>>>>>>>>>     print(number) // 1
>>>>>>>>>     print(a[number...]) // 1234
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> 0 equals to Collection.Index of collection.index(startIndex, 
>>>>>>>>> offsetBy: 0)
>>>>>>>>> 1 equals to Collection.Index of collection.index(startIndex, 
>>>>>>>>> offsetBy: 1)
>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> we keep the String.Index, but allow another kind of index, which is 
>>>>>>>>> called "offsetIndex" to access the String.Index and the character in 
>>>>>>>>> the string.
>>>>>>>>> Any Collection could use the offset index to access their element, 
>>>>>>>>> regarding the real index of it.
>>>>>>>>> I have make the Collection OffsetIndexable protocol available here, 
>>>>>>>>> and make it more accessible for StringProtocol considering all API 
>>>>>>>>> related to the index.
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> If someone want to make the offset index/range available for any 
>>>>>>>>> collection, you just need to extend the collection:
>>>>>>>>> extension String : OffsetIndexableCollection {
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> extension Substring : OffsetIndexableCollection {
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> I hope the Swift core team could consider bring the offset index to 
>>>>>>>>> string, or make it available to other collection, thus let developer 
>>>>>>>>> to decide whether their collection could use offset indices as an 
>>>>>>>>> assistant for the real index of the collection.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>> Jiannan
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