Have you seen John Holdsworth's experiments?

-- Ben

> On 4 Jan 2018, at 20:52, Chris Lattner wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> With the holidays and many other things behind us, the core team had a chance 
> to talk about python interop + the dynamic member lookup proposal recently.
> Here’s where things stand: we specifically discussed whether a 
> counter-proposal of using “automatically generated wrappers” or “foreign 
> classes” to solve the problem would be better.  After discussion, the 
> conclusion is no: the best approach appears to be 
> DynamicMemberLookup/DynamicCallable or something similar in spirit to them.  
> As such, I’ll be dusting off the proposal and we’ll eventually run it.
> For transparency, I’m attaching the analysis below of what a wrapper facility 
> could look like, and why it doesn’t work very well for Python interop.  I 
> appologize in advance that this is sort of train-of-thought and not a well 
> written doc. 
> That said, it would be really great to get tighter integration between Swift 
> and SwiftPM for other purposes!  I don’t have time to push this forward in 
> the short term though, but if someone was interested in pushing it forward, 
> many people would love to see it discussed seriously.
> -Chris

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