The thing that is “broken” here is generic programming. If I constrain
something to FloatingPoint, I cannot use a float literal in calculations
with it:

func centimeters<T: FloatingPoint> (inches: T) -> T {

    return 2.54 * inches    // Error


Of course, “T: FloatingPoint” is an overconstraint in this example, as what
I actually want is “T: OrderedField” so that eg. a Rational type could be
used. And that gives a hint as to the workaround:

func centimeters<T: FloatingPoint> (inches: T) -> T {

    return (254 / 100) * inches


That only works for numbers which don’t overflow the integer literals
though. If we want a really large or small value then we have to split it
in pieces:

func moles <T: FloatingPoint> (particles: T) -> T {

    let avogadroNumber: T = 6_022_140_857 * 100_000_000_000_000

    return particles / avogadroNumber


It would be much nicer to write “let avogadroNumber: T = 6.022140857e23”.


On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 3:39 PM, Chris Lattner <> wrote:

> On Jan 15, 2018, at 11:01 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution <
>> wrote:
> > - Can we change the semantics? Maybe, but I doubt
> ExpressibleByFloatLiteral can be outright replaced. You're not the first to
> wonder about how to design an alternative protocol. Dig through the
> archives and you'll find some existing ideas. My two cents: The main
> alternative base in question here is 10. However, decimal storage formats
> and binary storage formats share so little in common that any initializer
> common to both will be extremely unwieldy for one or both formats.
> Personally, somewhere down the road, I'd rather see Decimal64/128 become
> standard library types (already working on it), DecimalFloatingPoint become
> a standard library protocol, and `0.1` become a "decimal literal" (with
> Float, Double, Float80, and Decimal64/128 all conforming) as distinct from
> a "float literal" that we could then restrict to hexadecimal (?and binary)
> floating-point literals (and maybe rename accordingly).
> If we were motivated to fix this (and I’m not :-), then I think the best
> path forward would be to rename ExpressibleByFloatLiteral to something like
> ExpressibleByBinaryFloatLiteral.  This would allow the introduction of a
> new ExpressibleByDecimalFloatLiteral with a different initializer
> requirement.
> I’m not motivated to fix this, because there is nothing actively broken by
> the current state of things.  With the current name we can still introduce
> a ExpressibleByDecimalFloatLiteral someday in the future.  The two names
> will be a little odd, but given the cost of changing it at this point, that
> seems perfectly acceptable.
> -Chris
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