Thanks Jens,

My main languages are C#, c, obj-c and now Swift. You can appreciate my point 
of view. I’ll just assume that adding “func” contributes towards the common 

Thanks for responding.

-          Jim

From: Jens Alfke <>
Date: Monday, April 4, 2016 at 2:32 PM
To: Jim Malak <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [swift-users] Question out of curiosity: why "func"

On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:25 AM, Jim Malak via swift-users 
<<>> wrote:

My background going into Swift was everything but JavaScript.

Have you used Ruby or Python, both of which use a “def” keyword before a 
definition? And come to think of it, I think most non-C-derived languages use 
some sort of keyword before a function definition. Just to name two language 
families, LISP uses “def” and Pascal uses “function” or “procedure”.

So C (and C++ and Java and C#…) may be the oddballs here in not using a 
keyword, along with some functional languages.

One thing I often wondered about (usually every time I forgot to type it) is 
what purpose does requiring the keyword “func” serve when defining or decaling 
a function in Swift. I am not a compiler expert but intuitively it would seem 
that the function signature could be readily recognized by the complier and 
people alike with the presences of the ()’s at the end.

I can’t speak for the details of Swift’s language grammar. I do know that 
adding not-strictly-necessary redundancies like this to a grammar is very 
useful for helping the parser understand the intended meaning of a syntax 
error, and thereby producing a meaningful error message. (This is one of the 
reasons C++ error messages can be notoriously unhelpful: the syntax is so 
complex with so many possible ambiguities, that the error message may refer to 
a language construct that you weren’t even intending to use.)

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