> On 24 Aug 2016, at 12:38, Chris Bailey via swift-users 
> <swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
> If you haven't spotted it, the new snapshots include Dispatch on Linux for 
> the first time - please test it out as there may well be number of issues to 
> shake out, especially with the new Swift 3 API. 

A couple more DispatchSource issues - I’m getting a crash (on all platforms) if 
a source deallocs before the cancellation handler has been called, which seems 
to be a known issue.

To get around it on Darwin, I was taking an unmanaged retained ref to the 
source and releasing it in the cancellation handler. But it turns out that on 
    let s: DispatchSourceRead = […]
crashes llvm. Giving the typechecker a hint
tells me that type 'DispatchSourceRead' does not conform to protocol 
‘AnyObject’ which seems weird. Is it still class-based on Linux, or something 

I ended up doing this
    var rs: DispatchSourceRead? = rsource
    var ws: DispatchSourceWrite? = wsource
    rsource.setCancelHandler { _ = rs?.handle; rs = nil }   //Access a property 
to shut the bloody compiler up,
    wsource.setCancelHandler { _ = ws?.handle; ws = nil }   //and to ensure the 
var isn't optimised away.
so all the above is moot, but I thought I should report it.
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