on Sun Oct 02 2016, Jean-Denis Muys <swift-users-AT-swift.org> wrote:

> I was playing with CharacterSet, and I came up with:
> let vowels = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "AEIOU")

Yeah, because CharacterSet is a set of UnicodeScalars, not a set of
Character.  That should probably get fixed somehow.  I suggest filing a
radar against Foundation.

> let char: Character = "E"
> vowels.contains(char)
> That last line doesn't compile: I get "*cannot convert value of type
> 'Character' to expected argument type 'UnicodeScalar'*"
> The problem is, I could not find a simple way to convert from a character
> to a unicodeScalar. The best I found is the very ugly:
> vowels.contains(String(char).unicodeScalars[String(char).unicodeScalars.
> startIndex])
> Did I miss anything? 


> Does it have to be that horrific?

For now, I'm afraid I don't have anything better for you.  I very much
hope to improve String usability substantially for Swift 4.

> If so, I find using Set much better:
> let vowelsSet: Set<Character> = Set("AEIOU".characters)
> vowelsSet.contains(char)
> I must have missed something. Any suggestion welcome


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