> On Oct 24, 2016, at 3:09 PM, Ryan Lovelett <swift-...@ryan.lovelett.me> wrote:
>> Not being able to assign the function reference is a bug. As a
>> workaround, you should be able to unsafeBitCast CC_SHA1_Update to the
>> appropriate type.
>> -Joe
> Two questions:
> 1. Is this an already reported bug? If so, would you happen to know what
> it is so I can track it for resolution (to remove the work-around when
> it is resolved)?
> I made the protocol def this:
> var bar: (UnsafeMutablePointer<Context>?, UnsafeRawPointer?, CC_LONG) ->
> Int32 { get }
> Then the imp this:
> let bar = unsafeBitCast(CC_SHA1_Update, to:
> ((UnsafeMutablePointer<CC_SHA1_CTX>?, UnsafeRawPointer?, CC_LONG) ->
> Int32).self)

I don't believe we have a bug for this issue yet. The intent for IUO in Swift 3 
is that it acts only as a modifier for declarations; as parts of types, it's 
equivalent to Optional. A function reference like CC_SHA1_Update should 
formally have Optional typed parameters.

> 2. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong here but I feel like this just make
> the code less safe. It seems now I can send in an optional, read: nil,
> pointer to this `bar` method. On face, this seems dangerous. The
> `CC_SHA1_Update` method seems explicit in that it will not deal with
> `nil`. So it seems that this thing is now reporting a safer API than
> what is actually there. Or did I misunderstand? Should I be dropping the
> IUO all together and just make it `UnsafeMutablePointer<Context>` and
> `UnsafeRawPointer`?

We imported the function as IUO because we don't have any information one way 
or the other from the original C code about whether it takes nil or not. It's 
up to you not to pass in 'nil' if it doesn't accept 'nil'.

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