> On 18 Nov 2016, at 16:40, Karl <raziel.im+swift-us...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 18 Nov 2016, at 13:05, Adrian Zubarev via swift-users 
>> <swift-users@swift.org <mailto:swift-users@swift.org>> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I just can’t get my head around mutable views and COW.
>> Here is a small example:
>> final class Storage {
>>     var keys: [String] = []
>>     var values: [Int] = []
>> }
>> public struct Document {
>>     var _storageReference: Storage
>>     public init() {
>>         self._storageReference = Storage()
>>     }
>>     public init(_ values: DocumentValues) {
>>         self._storageReference = values._storageReference
>>     }
>>     public var values: DocumentValues {
>>         get { return DocumentValues(self) }
>>         set { self = Document(newValue) }
>>     }
>> }
>> public struct DocumentValues : MutableCollection {
>>     unowned var _storageReference: Storage
>>     init(_ document: Document) {
>>         self._storageReference = document._storageReference
>>     }
>>     public var startIndex: Int {
>>         return self._storageReference.keys.startIndex
>>     }
>>     public var endIndex: Int {
>>         return self._storageReference.keys.endIndex
>>     }
>>     public func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
>>         return self._storageReference.keys.index(after: i)
>>     }
>>     public subscript(position: Int) -> Int {
>>         get { return _storageReference.values[position] }
>>         set { self._storageReference.values[position] = newValue } // That 
>> will break COW
>>     }
>> }
>> First of all the _storageReference property is unowned because I wanted to 
>> check the following:
>> var document = Document()
>> print(CFGetRetainCount(document._storageReference)) //=> 2
>> print(isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&document._storageReference)) // true
>> var values = document.values
>> print(CFGetRetainCount(values._storageReference)) //=> 2
>> print(isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&values._storageReference)) // false
>> Why is the second check false, even if the property is marked as unowned for 
>> the view?
>> Next up, I don’t have an idea how to correctly COW optimize this view. 
>> Assume the following scenario:
>> Scenario A:
>> var document = Document()
>> // just assume we already added some values and can mutate safely on a given 
>> index
>> // mutation in place
>> document.values[0] = 10  
>> VS:
>> Scenario B:
>> var document = Document()
>> let copy = document
>> // just assume we already added some values and can mutate safely on a given 
>> index
>> // mutation in place
>> document.values[0] = 10 // <--- this should only mutate `document` but not 
>> `copy`
>> We could change the subscript setter on the mutable view like this:
>> set {
>>     if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self._storageReference) {
>>         self._storageReference = ... // clone
>>     }
>>     self._storageReference.values[position] = newValue
>> }
>> There is only one problem here. We’d end up cloning the storage every time, 
>> because as shown in the very first example, even with unowned the function 
>> isKnownUniquelyReferenced will return false for scenario A.
>> Any suggestions? 
>> PS: In general I also wouldn’t want to use unowned because the view should 
>> be able to outlive it’s parent.
>> -- 
>> Adrian Zubarev
>> Sent with Airmail
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> This is kind of an invalid/unsafe design IMO; DocumentValues may escape the 
> scope of the Document and the underlying storage may be deallocated.
> Instead, I’d recommend a function:
> func withDocumentValues<T>(_ invoke: (inout DocumentValues)->T) -> T {
>       var view = DocumentValues(self)
>         defer { _fixLifetime(view) }

Oops.. actually, I think this should be:
        defer { _fixLifetime(self) }

>         return invoke(&view)
> }
> (unfortunately, this isn’t completely safe because somebody could still copy 
> the DocumentValues from their closure, the same way you can copy the pointer 
> from String’s withCString, but that’s a limitation of Swift right now)
> CC: John McCall, because I read his suggestion in the thread about contiguous 
> memory/borrowing that we could have a generalised @noescape. In this example, 
> you would want the DocumentValues parameter in the closure to be @noescape.
> - Karl

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