> On Dec 16, 2016, at 12:10 PM, Richard Wei <rxr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> `sync` is not escaping. Shadow copy causes the device memory to make a copy, 
> which can’t be a solution either. I’ll file a radar.
>> Note that, independently, this part looks fishy:
>>> try! fill<<<(blockSize, blockCount)>>>[
>>>           .pointer(to: &self)
>> UnsafePointers formed by passing an argument inout are not valid after the 
>> called function returns, so if this function is forming and returning a 
>> pointer, it will likely result in undefined behavior. You should use 
>> `withUnsafePointer(&self) { p in ... }` to get a usable pointer.
> This part is a semi-"type safe” wrapper to CUDA kernel launcher. The purpose 
> is to make explicit which argument gets passed to the kernel as a pointer; in 
> this case, self is a `DeviceArray`. `.pointer` is a factory method under 
> `KernelArgument`. Since most arguments to the kernel are passed in by 
> pointers, IMO using a bunch of `withUnsafe...` clauses would only make it 
> look unnecessarily clumsy.

Unfortunately, that's the only defined way to write this code. The pointer you 
get as an argument from `&self` is only good until pointer(to:) returns, so it 
won't be guaranteed to be valid by the time you use it, and the compiler will 
assume that `self` doesn't change afterward, so any mutation done to `self` 
through that pointer will lead to undefined behavior. Rewriting this code to 
use withUnsafePointer should also work around the capture bug without requiring 
a shadow copy:

   let blockSize = min(512, count)
   let blockCount = (count+blockSize-1)/blockSize
   withUnsafePointer(to: &self) { selfPtr in 
     device.sync { // Launch CUDA kernel
         try! fill<<<(blockSize, blockCount)>>>[
             .pointer(to: selfPtr), .value(value), .value(Int64(count))

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