> On Jan 26, 2017, at 7:03 AM, Ray Fix via swift-users <swift-users@swift.org> 
> wrote:
> To compute a hash, I want to loop through bytes of a trivial type.  To get 
> the bytes, I use withUnsafeBytes hands me a rawBufferPointer collection type. 
>  Great!
> However this call also requires that the "of arg" be declared as a “var" 
> instead of “let” because it is inout.  So to do it generically, it forces me 
> to make a copy to some var storage.  
> Since I am using withUnsafeBytes and not withUnsafeMutableBytes, though, it 
> doesn’t seem like this copy should be necessary.  Is there some way to avoid 
> it?  Is it something the compiler should be able to reason about and 
> therefore elide? Possibly a future evolution (and something for that list)?
> On a side note, wouldn’t it be cool if there where a way to enforce that a 
> type was trivial?
> Then one could write code like:
> func consume<T: Trivial>(value: T) {
>   var copy = value
>   withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &copy) { rawBufferPointer in
>     // something interesting
>   }
> }
> Always appreciate the great insights I get here.
> Thanks as always. Best wishes,

There's no fundamental reason it needs a var; see 
https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-3679. The formal copy can often be elided by 
the LLVM optimizer in most cases, though unfortunately not all 
(https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=31697 is one such case). There is some 
benefit to encouraging people to use the `inout` version when possible in our 
current language, though in the fullness of time, the operand would be better 
modeled as an "immutable borrow" in the ownership model.

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