On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 12:31:00AM +0000, Jin Wang wrote:
> Hey David,
> I'm currently using the existing REPL to power the code execution.
> Eventually, when Swift becomes more stable and Linux gets more support, we
> might be able to do visualisations using UIKit or its alternatives. Right
> now, as far as I can see, the benefit to write notebook instead of using
> Playground would be:

I think that the way I asked my original question was not clear.

>    - the ability to cooperate with people in real time

Suppose that you cooperate on a notebook with someone who injects some
Swift code that, say, uses Swift APIs to grovel in the filesystem and
POST personal files to a web server.  Using the REPL as the execution
environment, are you able to protect against the filesystem access, or
the web access?


David Young
dyo...@pobox.com    Urbana, IL    (217) 721-9981
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