This is getting interesting.

I added your suggested test code (set to execute once):
class FontSelectorDialog : UITableViewController {

        static let chooser : ColorChooser = ColorChooser()
        override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
                FontSelectorDialog.chooser.textChooserType = .text

        < . . . >

BY THE WAY — I didn’t think to mention this previously, but the “leaking” code 
is in a framework and I put the suggested test code in the same framework.

Using Xcode 8.3:

(1) Running Simulator for iPhone 7+ (10.3), profiling the code, neither your 
suggested test code NOR the original code shows a leak in the Leaks Instrument.

(2) Running on an iPad Air 2 (10.2), profiling the code, your suggested test 
code does NOT show a leak, but the original code DOES. (The stack trace for the 
leak point is at the bottom of this email.)

I haven’t taken the next step of attempting to build a simple example to see if 
I can duplicate the problem in a simple project. I’d like to pursue this 
because it is increasingly looking like a “not my” bug, and I’d like to prevent 
others from spending as much time on this issue as I have already.


Rick Aurbach

> On Mar 28, 2017, at 4:14 AM, Alex Blewitt <> wrote:
>> On 28 Mar 2017, at 05:41, Rick Aurbach <> wrote:
>> That wouldn’t work directly. The “leak” occurs when processing a segue 
>> called in response to a user button push. (I suppose I could attempt to wire 
>> up a UI Test, but would rather not go down that route.)
>> What I can try is to see if I can create a simple, artificial example. If it 
>> also reports a leak, then I could try looping it. I’ll look into it in the 
>> morning.
> You could try doing something like:
> static let choser:ColorChoser = ColorChoser()
> choser.textChoserType = .text
> Run that in Xcode and see if it shows a leak.
> Alex

   0 libsystem_malloc.dylib malloc_zone_malloc
   1 libsystem_malloc.dylib malloc
   2 libswiftCore.dylib swift_slowAlloc
   3 libswiftCore.dylib _swift_allocObject_
   4 libswiftCore.dylib _swift_allocObject_
   5 RLAFontSelector specialized RLAFontSelectorDialog.prepare(for : 
UIStoryboardSegue, sender : Any?) -> () 
   6 RLAFontSelector RLAFontSelectorDialog.prepare(for : UIStoryboardSegue, 
sender : Any?) -> () 
   7 RLAFontSelector @objc RLAFontSelectorDialog.prepare(for : 
UIStoryboardSegue, sender : Any?) -> () 
   8 UIKit -[UIStoryboardSegueTemplate 
   9 UIKit -[UIStoryboardSegueTemplate _perform:]
  10 UIKit -[UIStoryboardSegueTemplate perform:]
  11 UIKit -[UITableView 
  12 UIKit -[UITableView _userSelectRowAtPendingSelectionIndexPath:]
  13 UIKit _runAfterCACommitDeferredBlocks
  14 UIKit _cleanUpAfterCAFlushAndRunDeferredBlocks
  15 UIKit _afterCACommitHandler
  16 CoreFoundation 
  17 CoreFoundation __CFRunLoopDoObservers
  18 CoreFoundation __CFRunLoopRun
  19 CoreFoundation CFRunLoopRunSpecific
  20 GraphicsServices GSEventRunModal
  21 UIKit -[UIApplication _run]
  22 UIKit UIApplicationMain
  23 PoetsCorner main 
  24 libdyld.dylib start

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