That’s a very neat helper!

On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 10:12 Karl Wagner <> wrote:

> On 10. Jun 2017, at 03:18, Xiaodi Wu via swift-users <
>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> A few weeks ago, Joe Groff challenged users on Twitter to create a
> Rational<T> type making use of the new integer protocols implemented for
> Swift 4. As it happens, I'd already started a project to try out these new
> number protocols. Now that I think the most embarrassing bugs have been
> squashed in that project, I thought I'd share it here in case anyone else
> might find it useful.
> NumericAnnex <> is meant to supplement
> the standard library's numerics facilities in Swift 4. At the moment, it
> provides:
> * Extensions to BinaryInteger for GCD, LCM, and exponentiation
> * Protocols Math (refines SignedNumeric), Real (refines Math and
> FloatingPoint), and PRNG  (refines Sequence and IteratorProtocol)
> * Types Complex<T>, Rational<T>, and Random
> Documentation is available at <>.
> I'd love to hear feedback. I'll follow up shortly on Swift Evolution with
> some thoughts on future improvements to integer protocols based on this
> experience.
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> swift-users mailing list
> It looks good.
> When it comes to trig functions, personally I’ve found it helpful to
> introduce an “Angle<T>” type to my own projects, rather than documenting
> “this angle expects radians” and having users do the conversion.
> public enum Angle<T: FloatingPoint> {
>     case degrees(T)
>     case radians(T)
>     public var degrees: T {
>         switch self {
>         case .degrees(let degs): return degs
>         case .radians(let rads): return (rads / .pi) * 180
>         }
>     }
>     public var radians: T {
>         switch self {
>         case .degrees(let degs): return (degs / 180) * .pi
>         case .radians(let rads): return rads
>         }
>     }
> }
> Allows usage such as:
> func rotate(by angle: Angle<CGFloat>) {
>    let rads = angle.radians
>    ...
> }
> rotate(by: .degrees(90))
> rotate(by: .radians(.pi/2))
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