i think this is something that’s mostly important for educational purposes and 
the fact that Swift is mostly opaque to memory makes it harder to teach. 

> On Sep 12, 2017, at 12:19 PM, Andrew Trick via swift-users 
> <swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Sep 12, 2017, at 9:55 AM, somu subscribe via swift-users 
>> <swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
>> Hi Quinn,
>> Thanks for the reply,
>> It is an iOS Swift project (uses Foundation, UIKit, CloudKit and other 
>> native frameworks) in which I would like to check the memory address for 
>> debugging (and out of enthusiasm). There is no C code I am using.
>> I have some asynchronous call back functions from CloudKit frameworks which 
>> return CKUserIdentity objects.
>> So thought it would be nice if I could print the memory address of 
>> CKUserIdentity objects and to check if it was unique.
>> And there are some other custom Swift Structs which I would like to know the 
>> memory address of.
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Muthu
> For classes, use the Unmanaged API as Quinn’s suggested.
> Your structs, tuples, and enums only have an address during mutation. So, for 
> example, if you wrap all of your code in a function that takes the variable 
> `inout`, you’ll see a consistent address within a single call to that 
> function. There’s an implicit cast from `inout` to Unsafe[Mutable]Pointer 
> arguments, so you can inspect the pointer value...
> func foo(p: Unsafe[Mutable]Pointer) { print(p) }
> foo(&s2)
> As you noticed, between calls to `foo` you could see a different address.
> If you really want to give your structs an “identity” you would need to wrap 
> them in a class.
> -Andy
>>> On 12 Sep 2017, at 10:35 PM, Quinn The Eskimo! via swift-users 
>>> <swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> On 12 Sep 2017, at 13:44, somu subscribe via swift-users 
>>>> <swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
>>>> 1. Is the above shown the correct way to get reference type memory address 
>>>> ?
>>>> 2. What Is it the correct way to get value type memory address ?
>>> It’s hard to answer that without knowing how you’re intended to use these 
>>> techniques.  If you can explain more about where you’re going with this, I 
>>> should be able to make some specific recommendations.
>>> For example, if you’re goal were to pass a Swift object to a C API that 
>>> takes a callback function pointer and a ‘cookie’ value, and hen calls that 
>>> function with that cookie (like the `qsort_r` function), the to/from opaque 
>>> mechanism provider by `Unmanaged` is the recommended way to pass a Swift 
>>> object through such a cookie value.
>>>> 3. Is it possible to get the memory address of immutable value type 
>>>> (declared as let)
>>> No, because such values don’t necessarily exist in memory.
>>> Share and Enjoy
>>> --
>>> Quinn "The Eskimo!"                    <http://www.apple.com/developer/>
>>> Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware
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