I have a class like this:

class File {
   type: FileType
   url: URL
   func fetch(from server: Server) {
       type(of: server).get(from: url)

However, it fails to compile with "Cannot call value of non-function type 
‘File’” inside the body of fetch(from:). I believe the reason is that self.type 
shadows  type(of: server).

Other than renaming the “type” property, is there any other way to work around 
it? I tried "Foundation.type(of: server)” and found out that it’s from the 
standard library and not Foundation. Is there a prefix that denotes the 
standard library?

A more general question, since this is clearly a function call, why would it be 
shadowed by self.type, which is clearly a property access?

I’m using Swift 4 in Xcode 9.

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