I’m pretty sure JSON isn’t localized, so this isn’t a bug. Using anything but a 
. as a decimal separator isn’t valid JSON. 


> On Dec 18, 2017, at 11:51 AM, Benoit Pereira da silva via swift-users 
> <swift-users@swift.org> wrote:
> Dear all
> I've found a serious Bug in JSONEncoder SR-6131 
> <https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-6631> and would like to fix it.
> This bug cause JSON encoding issues on Double when using a local that does 
> not use dot as decimal separator e.g « fr_FR » (we use a coma)
> Demonstration of the issue : 
> import Foundation
> // Required to call setLocale
> import Darwin
> // Let's set to french
> setlocale(LC_ALL,"fr_FR")
> struct Shot:Codable{
>     let seconds:Double
> }
> let shot = Shot(seconds: 1.1)
> do{
>     let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(shot)
>     if let json =  String(data:data, encoding:.utf8){
>         // the result is : "{"seconds":1,1000000000000001}"
>         // The decimal separator should not be "," but "."
>         print(json)
>     }
> }catch{
>     print("\(error)")
> }
> exit(EX_OK)
> I would like to propose my fix, test it and, but i’m not mastering the 
> contribution mechanism.
> Where should i start? 
> I ve forked 
> https://github.com/benoit-pereira-da-silva/swift-corelibs-foundation 
> <https://github.com/benoit-pereira-da-silva/swift-corelibs-foundation>
> I have a very simple Unit test that demonstrates the issue.
> How can i test my 
> Thanks
> Benoit Pereira da Silva
> Ultra Mobile Developer & Movement Activist
> Développeur Ultra Mobile & Militant du mouvement
> https://pereira-da-silva.com <https://pereira-da-silva.com/>
> <bannerp.jpg>
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