[Apologies for cross-posting]

Call for Participation

3rd International ExpertFinder Workshop: PICKME2008
(Personal Identification and Collaborations - Knowledge Mediation and 

Karlsruhe, Germany, October 27, 2008
co-located with the 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2008)

Keynote speaker:
Ora Lassila, Nokia Research Center Cambridge, US
"Does Your Mobile Device Need to be Socially Aware? A Semantic Web 

The Semantic Web, Social Networks and other emerging technology streams 
promise to enable
finding experts more efficiently on a Web scale across boundaries. To 
leverage synergies
among these streams, the ExpertFinder initiative started in 2006 
with the aim of devising vocabularies, rule extensions (for e.g. FOAF 
and SIOC) and best practices to
annotate and extract expertise-relevant information from personal and 
organizational web pages, blogs, wikis, conferences, publication 
indexes, etc.  Following two previous workshops - EFW 
(http://www.expertfinder.info/efw2007) and
FEWS (http://www.expertfinder.info/fews2007) - we solicit new research 
contributions from the
Semantic Web community towards the tasks of formally representing and 
reusing knowledge of
skills and collaborations on the Web and consequently finding people 
according to their
expertise. The goal of PICKME2008 is to discuss:
* the feasibility of a Web-scale infrastructure for the creation, 
publication and use of
semantic descriptions of experts and their collaborations on the Web,
* concrete application scenarios such as group management, disaster 
response, recruitment,
team building, problem solving and on-the-fly consultation (Such 
scenarios can be found at
* enabling technologies such as annotation, knowledge extraction, 
ontology engineering,
reasoning, ontology mediation, social network and interaction analysis.

Preliminary PICKME 2008 Program

14:00 - 14:05 Introduction: Personal Identification and Collaborations - 
Knowledge Mediation and Extraction (PICKME2008);  Axel Polleres and 
Malgorzata Mochol

14:05 - 14:50  Keynote:Does Your Mobile Device Need to be Socially 
Aware? A Semantic Web Perspective; Ora Lassila

14:50 - 15:10 The Hoonoh Ontology for describing Trust Relationships in 
Information Seeking; Tom Heath and Enrico Motta

15:10 - 15:30 Finding Experts on the Semantic Desktop, Gianluca 
Demartini and Claudia Niederée

15:30 - 16:00   Coffee Break

16:00 - 16:20  Requirements for expertise location systems in biomedical 
science and the Semantic Web; Titus Schleyer, Heiko Spallek, Brian S. 
Butler, Sushmita Subramanian, Daniel Weiss, M. Louisa Poythress, 
Phijarana Rattanathikum, and Gregory Mueller

16:20 - 16:40  Smushing RDF instances: are Alice and Bob the same open 
source developer?; Lian Shi, Diego Berrueta, Sergio Fernández, Luis 
Polo, and Silvino Fernández

16:40 - 17:00   Topic Extraction from Scientific Literature for 
Competency Management; Paul Buitelaar and Thomas Eigner

17:00 - 17:20   Finding Experts By Semantic Matching of User Profiles; 
Rajesh Thiagarajan, Geetha Manjunath, and Markus Stumptner

17:20 - 17:30   Wrap up, Axel Polleres and Malgorzata Mochol


Registration is open at: 

Program Committee
W. Abramowicz, Poznan Unviersity of Economics, Poland;
D. Berrueta, CTIC Foundation, Spain;
C. Bizer, Freie Unversität Berlin;
A.-M. Boanerges, LSDIS Lab, Univ. of Georgia, USA;
H. Boley, NRC Institute of Information Technology, Canada;
I. Celino, CERIEL Politecnico di Milano, Italy;
A. Gómez-Pérez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain;
T. Heath, Talis Information Lt, UK;
A. Leger, France Telekom, France;
N. Li, University of Surrey, UK;
B. Nowack, semsol web semantics, Germany;
C. Petrie, Stanford Unviersity, USA;
R. Tolksdorf, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany;
H. Wache, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland 
(FHNW), School of Business, Switzerland

Dipl.-Inf. Malgorzata Mochol         | Freie Universitaet Berlin
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | Institut fuer Informatik
Tel: +49-30-838-75226                | Netzbasierte Informationssysteme
http://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/~mochol/ | Königin-Luise-Str. 24-26, D-14195 Berlin

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