Hi all,
given the discussions flowing in the list, I am attaching a different framework we have been using to evaluate and compare Semantic Wikis.
It is cast as a series of questions, the idea is not necessarily to anwers yes or no for each one, but to serve as a basis for a disscusion around each specific feature.
I can create a version of it in the wiki as well, if I get enough positive feedback.
Some of the questions may need some additional clarification as to what is meant, but the general idea should be relatively straightforward (I hope).

I should say I have been using this template in my own Semantic Web applications graduate seminar; students generate a version of this content with their answers for each of the selected Semantic Wiki engines that they are responsible for reporting. Works pretty well.

(items in boldface apply to regular wikis as well)
  1. Support collective creation and edition of content
    1. Users
      1. access control
      2. are users semantically described?
        1. Metadata describing users and user relations, possibly reflecting the real world
        2. Information about user's preferences (created, visited and edited pages)
      3. semantic access control -> trust policies?
        1. Limiting search or editing
    2. Content
      1. What is the relation between a wiki page and semantic items?
        1. Wiki is a only a matter of interface?
      2. Typed items?
        1. Each item must have a type -> content is just a property
        2. Each item may have a type -> content is a distinguished property
        3. Are new types allowed?
          1. Is it possible to use Ontologies to classify items?
    3. Links
      1. Typed links?
        1. Each link must have a type -> links are always semantic
        2. Each link may have a type -> links point to semantic annotations
      2. Is inference allowed on links?
      3. Are new types of links allowed?
  2. Ease of use with simple markup
    1. How are types assigned to content?
    2. Is it possible to define semantic formatting? (I.e., semantics based rendering); previews as views?
      1. Use the template as a way to semantic information
  3. Easy linking
    1. How are typed links created?
      1. It's possible to have more than one relation between 2 objects
    2. Is there a distinction between "wiki link" and semantic link?
    3. What does it mean to click on a link? Can the behavior be changed?
  4. Support version control of all content, allowing the restore of previous versions
    1. Keep history of changes
    2. Have history for metadata
  5. Semantic search
  6. Transparent content storage
  7. Integration with other wikis?
    1. Semantic integration/mediation
    2. P2P network of personal semantic wikis?

Daniel Schwabe
Tel:+55-21-3527 1500 r. 4356
Fax: +55-21-3527 1530
Dept. de Informatica, PUC-Rio
R. M. de S. Vicente, 225
Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22453-900, Brasil
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