I am posting to advertise the "SlugMath Wiki", which may be of interest to
the semantic wiki, education, and mathematics communities (and especially
their intersection).
The main page for the wiki is at

To directly quote from the main page,

"The SlugMath Wiki is a mathematics resource at UC Santa Cruz, created by
Martin H. Weissman, with funding from the Center for Teaching
 at UCSC <http://www.ucsc.edu/>, during the summer and fall of 2008, as a
source of mathematical knowledge and resources for advanced undergraduates
and faculty."

The wiki operates with the latest version of Semantic Mediawiki (and
numerous other extensions, such as Semantic Forms).  For mathematical
display, I use jsMath -- you might need to use the jsMath control panel and
select "use unicode fonts" to get a proper display of mathematical content.

In contrast to other mathematical Semantic wikis (of which there are very
few), the SlugMath wiki does not aim to encode mathematical knowledge on a
fine scale.  Nothing in the presentation is useful for the formal
verification of theorems, for example.  However, knowledge is presented
traditionally (for pure mathematics), and semantic links express the
larger-scale deductive connections between theorems and definitions,
structures and examples.  Using these semantic links, one can find, for
example, all of the results that must be proven in order to prove a given
theorem.  This is meant to be most useful for curriculum design, and to give
undergraduate mathematics students a "big picture" of the logical structure
of the mathematics they learn.

Although there are over 1000 pages at the SlugMath wiki already, please keep
in mind that this is a work in progress.  As I continue teaching more
undergraduate courses, I will update the content.  The wiki is not openly
editable -- currently, I am the only one writing mathematical content
(though other research mathematicians will be invited).  Hopefully with some
summer funding, I will be making more drastic improvements within a year.

In addition to advertising, I would also enjoy hearing any feedback via
e-mail or on my user talk page (User:Marty) at the SlugMath wiki.  Moreover,
if anyone would like to become more involved -- particularly on the
programming and technological side -- I would be interested to hear.  Those
with knowledge of PHP and the Mediawiki and SMW extension are most sought


Marty Weissman
swikig mailing list

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