Call for Participation

ICWL 2009
International Conference on Web-based Learning
August 19-21, 2009
Aachen, Germany

Early bird registration deadline: July 17, 2009

ICWL is an annual international conference on web-based learning. Since
the first ICWL was held in Hong Kong in 2002,
it has been held in Australia (2003), China (2004), Hong Kong (2005),
Malaysia (2006), United Kingdom (2007), and China
(2008). The 8th ICWL 2009 will be held in Aachen, Germany, a city with
rich culture, high-tech research, and a truly
European spirit. ICWL 2009 will be jointly organized by RWTH Aachen
University, Hong Kong Web Society, and Max-Planck-Institute
for Computer Science. The technical program features keynote addresses,
plenary presentations of invited papers,
parallel sessions for papers and four compelling workshops. Over 200
researchers and practitioners from the web-based
learning community are expected to assemble in the beautiful city of
Aachen. Fruitful discussions, additional EU project
meetings and an exciting social program are waiting for them.


* Technology Enhanced Learning

* Web-based Learning for Oriental Languages
* Mobile Learning
* Social Software and Web 2.0 for Technology Enhanced Learning
* Learning Resource Deployment, Organization and Management
* Design, Model and Framework of E-learning Systems
* E-learning Metadata and Standards
* Educational Gaming and Multimedia Storytelling for Learning
* Practice and Experience Sharing
* Pedagogical Issues

Keynote talks:

* "Learning in Times of Abundance: The Snowflake Effect" by Erik Duval,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
* "Exploiting User Generated Content to Improve Search" by Wolfgang
Nejdl, University of Hannover, Germany

Invited papers:

* "Debating the wisdom of personalisation" by Helen Ashman, UniSA, Australia
* "On Social e-Learning" by Won Kim, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
* "Web-based Learning – Yes we can!" by Ulrik Schroeder, RWTH Aachen
University, Germany

Social Events:

* Welcome reception with live Jazz music, August 19, 2009
* Grand Banquette in the old spa house of Aachen, August 20, 2009
* Guided tour to historical Aachen, August 21, 2009


* STEG'09: Second Workshop on Story-Telling and Educational Games
* ViWo'09: Workshop on Virtual Worlds for academic, organizational, and
life-long learning
* SIRTEL'09: Social Informational Retrieval for Technology Enhanced Learning
* JEM'09: Joining Educational Mathematics – Final Workshop

Conference organization:

General Chair
Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

General Co-Chairs
Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Rynson Lau, City University, Hong Kong

Program Co-Chairs
Marc Spaniol, Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science, Germany
Qing Li, City University, Hong Kong

Organization Co-Chair
Yiwei Cao, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Workshop Co-Chairs
Baltasar Fernandez-Manjón, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Frederick Li, Durham University, United Kingdom

Publicity Co-Chairs
Anna Hannemann, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Christian Guetl, TU Graz, Austria
Yuanchun Shi, Tsinghua University, China

Howard Leung, Hong Kong Web Society, Hong Kong
Zinayida Petrushyna, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

We look forward to welcoming you to Aachen in August 2009!

Best regards,
Anna Hannemann
Conference Publicity Co-Chair

fn:Anna  Hannemann
n:Hannemann (Glukhova);Anna 
org:RWTH Aachen University;Information Systems
adr:Building E2, Raum 6239;;Ahornstr. 55;Aachen;;52056;Germany
title:PhD Student
tel;work:+49 241 80 21516
tel;fax:+49 241 80 22321

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