Thanks Alexander.

All items addressed except last one, please see comments inline.
New Webrev:



On 9/11/2014 3:21 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
On 9/11/2014 2:56 AM, Vivi An wrote:
Hello Alexander,

Thanks for nice review, new patch is available as below:

 163         if ( keyListener != null ) {
 164             button.removeKeyListener( keyListener );

Could you formate the code in the brackets.

 355     private boolean isValidRadioButtonObj(Object obj){
 356         if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof JRadioButton) &&

It is possible to use "return (obj != null) && ...".

 375         if (isValidRadioButtonObj(eventSrc) == false)

It is possible to use "if (!isValidRadioButtonObj(eventSrc))". The same is for line 466.

 379         btnGroupInfo.getButtonGroupInfo();
 380         if (btnGroupInfo.srcFound){

You can move this code to the ButtonGroupInfo class getNewSelectedButton(boolean next) method. It allows to use variable names (previousBtn) instead of btnGroupInfo.previousBtn.

 391             if (newSelectedBtn != null &&
 392                 (newSelectedBtn != (JRadioButton) eventSrc)){

It is not necessary to cast the eventSrc to JRadioButton here.
eventSrc is Object so still need to be casted, in 02version, the functionality encapsulated in ButtonGroupInfo class, so now using activeBtn, no need to cast in this case.

 401 private class SelectPreviousBtn extends AbstractAction
 402     {

Could you move the bracket to the class declaration line?

 505                 if (isValidRadioButtonObj(eventSrc))
 506                     e.consume();
 507                 jumpToNextComponent((JRadioButton)eventSrc, true);

Line 507 is not under the condition. It means that eventSrc can have different type from JRadioButton.

 543             if (next && btnGroupInfo.lastBtn != null)
 544                 KeyboardFocusManager.
545 getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().focusNextComponent((JComponent)btnGroupInfo.lastBtn);
 546             else if (btnGroupInfo.firstBtn != null)
 547                 KeyboardFocusManager.
548 getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().focusPreviousComponent((JComponent)btnGroupInfo.firstBtn);
 549         }

Should the first button be focused If next is true and last button is null?
Don't think last button could be null when this function is triggered, last and first will always be set in case there is at least one valid (enabled and visible) radio button in the group.



~ Vivi

On 9/8/2014 5:43 AM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
On 9/4/2014 10:56 PM, Vivi An wrote:

Please review fix for JDK-8033699.  Changes made:
1) When tab or shift-tab key pressed,  focus moved to next/previous
component outside of the radio button group
2) Using up/down or left/right arrow key to change selection inside
radio button group


  56     private KeyListener keyListener = null;
  57     private KeyHandler handler = null;

It seems that these both fields point to the same object. Is it possible to get rid of one of them?

 152         if ( keyListener != null ) {
 153             button.removeKeyListener( keyListener );
 154         }

Some UIs also set the listener to null in the uninstallUI()/uninstallListeners() methods (like BasicComboBoxUI or BasicColorChooserUI). Should the keyListener also be set to null to free the KeyHandler object?

 369         if (!(eventSrc instanceof JRadioButton &&
370 ((JRadioButton) eventSrc).isVisible() && ((JRadioButton) eventSrc).isEnabled()))

This check is used several times. It can be moved to a separate method.

 373         // Get the button model from the source.
374 ButtonModel model = ((AbstractButton) eventSrc).getModel();
 375         if (!(model instanceof DefaultButtonModel))
 376             return;
378 // If the button model is DefaultButtonModel, and use it, otherwise return.
 379         DefaultButtonModel bm = (DefaultButtonModel) model;
 380         if (bm == null)
 381             return;

The second check is not necessary because (model instanceof DefaultButtonModel) returns false for null model.

 404         AbstractButton curElement = null;

The curElement variable declaration could be moved into the 'while' block.

 408             if (curElement instanceof JRadioButton &&
 409                     ((JRadioButton) curElement).isVisible() &&
 410                     ((JRadioButton) curElement).isEnabled()){

It is possible to use 'continue' here to not put the other code inside the 'if' block.

 418                 else if (!srcFound){
 422                 } else if (srcFound && nextBtn == null){

It is not necessary to check the srcFound in the second 'if' because it should already have true value.

 444             if (newSelectedBtn != null){
 445                 newSelectedBtn.requestFocusInWindow();
 446                 newSelectedBtn.setSelected(true);
 447             }

Is it possible here that newSelectedBtn == eventSrc?

522 private void jumpToNextComponent(JRadioButton btn, boolean next){

The code that retrieves elements from a button group is also used in the selectRadioButton()
and can be moved to a separate method.


JPRT build succeeded, JCK tests for JRadiobutton and JCheckBox all passed.

Thank you



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