Hi Mikhail,

Source code changes look good now.

Please also see my comments below.

On 11.05.2016 23:11, mikhail cherkasov wrote:
Please see update version:
>You don't need to create JEditorPane, you can instantiate HTMLDocument directly with new HTMLDocument(). without JEditorPane parser will be null in HTMLDocument, so it's the easiest way to init HTMLDocument right

I see.

Probably using HTMLEditorKit.read(...) method would be better?

HTMLEditorKit htmlKit = new HTMLEditorKit();
Document doc = htmlKit.createDefaultDocument();
htmlKit.read(new FileReader(...), doc, 0);

This way the code looks cleaner, in my opinion. And it resembles the way a real application would use to parse the document. What do you think?

Hi Mikhail,

Can I ask you to add one space between if, while and the opening parenthesis which is in according to Java Coding Style?
This also applies to the test code.

In your test, you use none of JFrame methods, then why do you extend JFrame?
The updated version still extends JFrame but uses none of its methods.

You don't need to create JEditorPane, you can instantiate HTMLDocument directly with new HTMLDocument().

An exception thrown from Runnable in invokeLater won't stop the test, and the test could fail because of the timeout. I suggest storing IOException to a static volatile field in the catch block. If the exception is not null, the main thread breaks from waiting 'while' and rethrows the exception.
An exception thrown in invokeLater would still not fail the test.



On 11.05.2016 17:20, mikhail cherkasov wrote:
Hi all,

Please review a fix for

The problem is in the following line:
http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/client/jdk/file/597626072716/src/java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/Parser.java#l2127 for each new char it creates a string with a whole text inside the script tag, so it's very expensive operation. I added check for <!-- and --> by reading chars from input stream like it was done for end script tag.


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