Hi Yan,

If your application sets LaF explicitly in the code, you cannot override it with swing.properties.

The Look-and-Feel set using swing.properties file or -Dswing.systemlaf=<LaF-class> will change the default LaF used by Swing apps. For example, Swing uses Metal Look-and-Feel by default on Linux platform: If the application does not explicitly set its LaF, the app will be displayed in Metal LaF. If you change 'swing.systemlaf' property to GTK, the application will use GTK LaF.

If the application explicitly sets its Look-and-Feel at runtime, then that application will be run using the LaF it set. You cannot change it.


On 28.05.2016 0:41, Yan wrote:
You can put swing.properties file to <JRE>/lib directory as described
The contents of the file would be:


This property file will set GTK LaF for all applications that use this
JRE to run.

High! I've did what you've said, placed file with this line in
/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/lib/ , but nothing have changed. Maybe
I do wrong something?

Once again, I have simple java app, which sets LAF using this:
and I have no env variables like _JAVA_OPTIONS

Regards, Yan

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