On 21.07.2016 14:02, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
On 21.07.16 13:40, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
If it is unsupported then why it is validated in the pango fonts and
not in X11GraphicsDevice? I am not sure how scale less than 1 prevent
us from usage of 1.5 for example.
getNativeScale() returns int. int cannot be 1.5.

Then why PangoFonts.nativeScale is double? or it is a way to apply a generic solution in case some system will have double scales? In this case I suggest to request DefaultTransform.scaleY from the gc. In this case it will not be necessary to use X11GraphicsDevice. Related question: is this PangoFonts used in printing?
DefaultTransform.scaleY got any scale not only the native scale. I think it is not used for printing. I doubt that the LnF is used for printing.


On 2 1.07.2016 13:13, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Is it intended to skip scales less than 1?

On 07.07.16 10:01, Alexandr Scherbatiy wrote:

The fix looks good to me.


On 7/6/2016 10:03 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:
On 7/6/2016 6:03 PM, Alexandr Scherbatiy wrote:

On 7/6/2016 4:13 PM, Semyon Sadetsky wrote:

Please review fix for JDK9:

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8058742

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ssadetsky/8058742/webrev.00/

- PangoFonts class is placed in the shared space and it uses the X11GraphicsDevice from the unix space. Could there be problems with
build compilation on platforms differ from Unix?
no it doesn't cause compilations problems. PangoFonts is used on
platform only.
  - It is better to rename the scale field to nativeScale just to
mix it with other scale types
ok.  webrev is updated:
  - Does the test
test/java/awt/font/FontScaling/FontScalingTest.java fails without
the proposed fix on Linux?
Yes it fails before and passes after the fix.



After adding hdpi support to JDK the GTK LnF fonts are scaled twice
using the JDK UI scale factor and the native scale factor derived
from the screen dpi setting.  The fix removes the native scale
if it
is already taken into account in the JDK UI scale.


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