On 12/16/2016 2:36 AM, Phil Race wrote:
I just noticed that you spell the new methods with a single d :eg : getFPMethodOverriden

Like the variables that were there before it should be getFPMethodOverridden
and checkFPMethodOverridden
   Here is the updated fix where the typo is updated:

Also, although rather unlikely to be a problem in practice, since there
is nothing in the swing rules to prevent constructing a Swing component on
a random thread, before adding it to the hierarchy, and the shared Map is populated
at construction time, it seems like we need a ConcurrentHashMap ..
It seems that it could be possible that a constructor can schedule to run some actions calling SwingUtilities.invokeLater(). In this case both threads (the thread where a Swing component is constructor and EDT) can simultaneously start the object fields updating. There is still no guarantee that all works as expected if a Swing component is constructed in non-EDT.



On 12/15/2016 09:06 AM, Alexandr Scherbatiy wrote:


Could you review the updated fix:

- the HashMap is stored in SoftRefence
- the typo in getMethodArguments() is fixed
- classes FPMethodItem and FPMethodArgs are defined in the PlainView class.


On 12/14/2016 8:30 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Hi, Alexander.
Should not the storage be based on soft references? In the current solution we will store the references to the checked classes forever in the static map.

13 дек. 2016 г., в 18:41, Alexandr Scherbatiy <alexandr.scherba...@oracle.com> написал(а):


Could you review the fix:
  bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8169922
  webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8169922/webrev.00

The fix JDK-8156217 checks presence of the overridden methods with floating point arguments. The proposed fix caches results of found overridden methods with floating point arguments.

I run the SwingSet2 with the custom test which intensively creates JTextField, JPasswordField, JTextArea, and JEditorPane.

  The results of the test running with the following JDK are:
1. Methods with int arguments are always called without the methods overridden check: 45822 // before the fix JDK-8156217 2. Methods with floating point arguments are always called without the methods overridden check: 46175
    performance decreasing: 100 * (46175 - 45822) / 45822 = 0.77%
3. Methods with floating point arguments are always called with the methods overridden check: 48836 // fix JDK-8156217
    performance decreasing: 100 * (48836 - 45822) / 45822 = 6.58%
4. Methods with floating point arguments are always called and the methods overridden checks are cached: 46592 // current fix
    performance decreasing: 100 * (46592 - 45822) / 45822 = 1.68%


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