On Friday 24 March 2006 09:41, Xaver Aerni wrote:
> 2. In juristical E-Mailforms are not a contract. The best way is you
> send a contract by post... Like all other Providers like Swisscom,
> Sunrise, etc. Than are you shure, that the contract is ok.
> Only on Web... I think you will have some difficutes...

IANAL, but I don't think that's entirely correct: by Swiss law, most contracts 
don't require any specific form (just agreement over the terms). They can be 
made orally (not leaving any trace, really), on phone, by letter, under 
circumstances even by just ACTING like you agreed (i.e. mail order business 
that sends you goods after you've ordered them) and by extension most likely 
by email as well.

There's a select number of contracts that need a specific form (for instance, 
buying real estate) but far and by large, people are free to make them in any 
form they like. 

Another example: buying something in Migros makes you and Migros enter a 
contract by law (Kaufvertrag), even though neither one of you actually does 
say so.

As for a German page: IIRC, Germany has a concept of a "Taschengeldparagraph" 
which basically should allow minors to enter contracts as far as their 
allowances can cover them. 


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