Hi all

On Friday 13 April 2007, Schmid wrote:
> Funny thing is one ISP is switching off his SMTP relay telling
> the client to use other smtp relay in the wild and call that a
> first action according to the "stop spam" campaign. another
> one is blocking port25 und force the user to use the ISP?s
> SMTP Relay and even explain this is done due to the "stop
> spam" campaign

Here's what I think would be reasonable to fight spam. And in the 
first place it really would help fight spam comming from 
trojanized computers - until spammers start to use the Outlook|
Thunderbird|whatever configured authenticated SMTP/Submission 

* Block destination port 25. This prevents bots from sending 
email directly to the victims MXes. No one wants to (must not) 
run an MTA in a dialup range: Many MXes dont accept emails 
orginating from dial-up rages. No one wants to (must not) run an 
MX in a dial-up range. The risk of delaying or losing email due 
to a IP change is not acceptable. And what if the successor of 
the IP runs an MX which accepts all Mail..?

* Provide an relaying MTA accepting emails from authenticated 
connections on port 25 or 587 (Submission, which is intended for 
exactly this use case). I dont know if Tele2/Econophone do this.

* Allow connections with destination port 587 to let your users 
relay to any thrid party email provider. Tele2/Econophone do 

Given the second point is OK, this whole blocking thing this not 
a bad idea. And its not that hard to configure 
fetchmail/authenticated relaying to a smarthost for geeks who 
want to run their own email infrastructure (in contrary it adds 
som salt to the whole soup ;)

Now waht I think is really bad is the thing that 
Econophone/Tele2's Information website is really bad. These 
three very easy points are no where clearly explained. The 
lengthy FAQ beats arround the bush and rather confuses the 
reader than making the situation clear to him. *hinthinthint*

Probably one of these guys can confirm this or explain the 
differences (and probably add it to their Information Pages...).

Have fun

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