Hello all,

Ladu, Daniele wrote:
> Dear all
> I have a question regarding the "Meldestelle" that need to be active
> since 01.04.2007 for SPAM issues.
> Can someone explain me, where i can send SMS Spam requests regarding
> Art. 45 Abs. 2 from the FMG
> for a SMS Spam that was sent from a Swisscom SMSC ?

What about Support on Swisscom Mobile site?
- www.swisscom.com -> Swisscom Mobile -> Kundendienst (German;-) ->
  Sicherheit -> Spam und Belästigungen

Or using search on Swisscom's website: http://www.swisscom.com
-> enter "Spam" in search field and look at the 3rd entry (in my case)

As a shortcut I send you the relevant links:
http://www.swisscom-mobile.ch/scm/kd_hilfe_gegen_spam-de.aspx (German)
http://www.swisscom-mobile.ch/scm/kd_hilfe_gegen_spam-en.aspx (English)
Lookup SMS short number codes:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> seems to handle only Internet
> Spams. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is the Abuse contact (whois, Website) for the
Bluewin Internet Service.
Other Services (IP-Plus, fixed phone lines, mobile) have their
own Abuse and Fraud departements.

> Where can i send a FAX, Email and a Letter ?
> Can someone from Swisscom help me ? :-)

I hope this helps.
Maybe we (Swisscom) should set up a single page with contact
information in regard to the new FMG legislation.

Kind reards

Guido Roeskens
Swisscom Fixnet AG

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