I can recommend http://www.hetzner.de

Excellent service, support requests usually get answered within 30-60 minutes, 
a broken disk in my server got replaced within 2 hours. Last but not least they 
have competitive prices. Had a server at http://www.server4you.de before, 
compared to hetzner the service is horrible. Tickets usually get answered after 
24 hours.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Bader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 10:47:24 PM (GMT+0100) Europe/Berlin
Subject: [swinog] Recommendations for root server providers

Hi all

I need to rent a unmanaged, dedicated root server.  I found
a lot of companies that offer only managed root servers - in
my case I explicitly need a unmanaged one.  Optionally, it
should also be possible to remotely install the servers
operating system from my own installation source (e.g.
uploading an ISO image or doing the install using some
rescue boot systems provided by the provider).

Does anyone on this list has recommendations of companies
who offer this service? It must not necessarily be a Swiss
company, every other country is fine as well.

I already found a lot of companies who offer this service -
but since I really need a good service quality, I'm seeking
for recommendations and experiences from a customer

Regards, Thomas.

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