Hello everybody

It's time to announce the fifth Berne Beer-Event, also
known as BE^2-Event 5

This time rather unusual: during the last week of this
year. We will take the time and discuss future and the past -
obviously with some x-mas beer-support :-)

The proposal is as usual:

- Location: Altes Tramdepot Bern [1]
- Date: Thursday, December 27, 2007
- Time: starting 18.00 until ?
- Attendees: the usual (network and servers admins...)
             also non-swinog members are welcome (feel free
             to forward this email to colleagues)

  [1] http://www.altestramdepot.ch/

Please give me a short feedback if you will attend in order
to make a reserveration as early as possible.

Best regards,
swinog mailing list

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