On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 09:24:27 +0200
Tonnerre Lombard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Starting from this morning at 05:20, all name resolutions over the ORSN
> appear to fail. dnstracer output:

the master dns-server seems to be down, so all other name servers are
unable to refresh the zone-files.

I could touche (refresh) the zone files on the D.ORSN-SERVER but
this is not the solution.  

to be honest, the ORSN project is slowly dying - except there is
a person who'll take care about.


> Tracing to (whatever) via, timeout 15 seconds
> ( 
>  |\___ E.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( * * * 
>  |\___ J.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( 
>  |\___ H.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( 
>  |\___ B.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] (2a02:0060:ffff:0001:0000:0000:0000:0002) 
>  |\___ B.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( 
>  |\___ K.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] (2001:4b88:9000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000) 
>  |\___ K.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( 
>  |\___ F.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( 
>  |\___ I.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( 
>  |\___ D.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] (2001:08a8:0021:0002:0000:0000:0000:0066) * * *
>  |\___ D.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( 
>  |\___ M.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( 
>  |\___ G.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( * * * 
>  |\___ C.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( 
>  |\___ A.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( * * * 
>  |\___ A.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] (2001:08d0:0000:0003:0000:0000:0000:0100) * * *
>   \___ L.ORSN-SERVERS.NET [.] ( 
> Everything broken? How can this be with such a redundant network? I
> also thought maybe I should just download a new root hints file, but
> evidently orsn.net is also down, even when using the root-servers.net
> hints.

>                                       Tonnerre

I'm sorry, Cosmic ray particles crashed through the hard disk platter
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