hi eric

well...it's not up to me to organize stuff in geneva ,-) unfortunately 
i'm not that often in geneva...
everyone can organize a beer event. it's not me having that 
beer-event(TM)(C)(R)-label attached to my shirt ,-)
just organize one and send out a mail to the mailing list.
as far as i remember some guys from geneva and region have organized 
some beer events ... but i would have to crawl into the deep of my 
mail-archive to seek for those who've organized this.

for you second thing: the mail-spam-blacklist-filter-whatever-thing 
you've mentioned i have to tell you that i'm not doing any mail support 
,-) this is pure 1st level customercare troubleshooting stuff which 
somehow does not belongs to this mailinglist (my opinion?).
specially if there are just too few informations (typical 1st level 
but to help you a little bit:
- examine you mail infrastructure
- check the headers of the mail WHY it was blacklisted/filtered 
out/tagged/whatever (you'll notice that sometimes there are very useful 
informations in such a mail header. if you don't know what is a mail 
header.. well..you're on the wrong list ,-))
- check the ip address of your MTA if it's blacklisted and why (it might 
be that you MTA is abused for spamming... then putting that into a black 
list is for me ok ;-))
- if you don't operate your own mail infrastructure then contact the 
support dpt. of your provider providing this wonderful mail service
- etc...



Eric Serra wrote:
> Hello Steven, The drink is certainly a good idea - once in a while you might 
> get one organise in Geneva... Could you pls let me know if I should post the 
> sort of question below to all user in purpose to get help? I'm not yet too 
> sure of what swinog is made for... Question: I have a lot of difficulties for 
> sending e-mails nowaday as my private e-mail account is considered as being a 
> spam. I can't write to yahoo.com, to bluewin.ch or vtxnet.ch for example, as 
> most of the time, my e-mails are rejected. I have never issue any spams in my 
> life, but maybe someone as been using my account in this purpose me knowing? 
> Is this possible? Anyhow, how can I get out of the spammers central list ? 
> Thanks, Eric PS: we can talk on the phone if necessary - 0763766945
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