* on the Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 08:36:35AM +0100, Thomas Dagonnier wrote:
> It may be an idea to have a look at the treaty they have to implement
> : http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/EN/Treaties/Html/185.htm

I concur, this treaty is shite. It criminalizes various tools instead
of acts, tries to heavy-hand enforcement of monopolies, tries to invent
new laws where old ones are quite clear (forgeries, fraud), tries to 
criminalize third parties ("aiding, abettig") and so on. 

Shame on whoever came up with this, and on whoever signed this. You've
just grossly violated democratic judical principles. In accordance to
Henlons Razor (which assumes there is no malice if sufficiently explained
by stupidity), you are morons.

"Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve 
neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin
"It's also true that those who would give up privacy for security are 
likely to end up with neither." -- Bruce Schneier

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