On the Thu, Apr 02, 2009 at 05:16:39PM +0200, Olivier Mueller blubbered:

Hi all.

> > some information for SwiNOG-18:
> > Wireless LAN:
> > Free WLAN access for all participants will be available at SwiNOG 17:
> Thanks for the organization and the great presentations!  And also  
> thanks to nts for the wifi which worked perfectly.
> Time for the social event now!  :-)

Yes, thanks for the great event and the great presentations! 

On a side-note to all you IPv6 hoslis: Symbian S60 (3rd
Edition) is now proven to work out of the box. Tested it
yesterday with http://ipv6.google.com/ on my Nokia N82 =:-)

CU, Venty

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