* on the Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 03:33:00PM +0200, Patrick Studer wrote:
> So, we tried to get some help from the cisco ironport support. There
> answer wasn't very helpful either. They told us, that senderbase.org
> is a complete other company and they don't have any contact and
> we should try their website www.senderbase.org. Otherwise, if we don't
> have a IronPort box, they will not help us.

Sounds much alike to Microsofts "Smartscreen" (which, of course, is
very stupid indeed, as everytime Microsoft calls something "smart"):

Most solutions were already mentionned, I consider the rotating of
IP-addresses (every time after you end up in blacklists AND you
have fixed the problem) the most useful one. If this is too much
a chore, you probably should ditch MDaemon for some other MTA which
hasn't any problems with hat, like Exim or Postfix...

"Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve 
neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin
"It's also true that those who would give up privacy for security are 
likely to end up with neither." -- Bruce Schneier

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