Tris event may be of interest for some of you as it is related to a recent
talk at swnog.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Bernie Hoeneisen*
Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Subject: [ISOC-CH Ann] Invitation to WCIT Digest (8 March / 15:30 / Bern)

Dear ISOC-CH Members,

You are cordially invited to join our "WCIT Digest" event, a panel
discussion with:

   - Richard Hill, independent consultant (former senior ITU staff member)
   - Markus Kummer, Internet Society, Vice President Public Policy
   - Frédéric Riehl, OFCOM/BAKOM, Vice Director, Head of International
   Relations Service
   - Monika Ermert, journalist (discussion leader)

WCIT (World Conference on International Telecommunications) was recently
taking place in Dubai (VAE). A key issue discussed there was whether or not
the Internet should be part of the revised International Telecommunication
Regulations, and if yes to what extent. Please find more information about
WCIT on:

Our "WCIT Digest" is taking place on *Friday, 8 March 2013, 15:30-17:30,
Bern *(i.e. shortly before our General
The event is public and free of charge. Registration and more information

Looking forward to meet you soon!

All the best,
 Bernie, ISOC-CH, Vice-Chair Internal

*PS: Fell free to forward this invitation to your friends or anybody who
may be interested in joining this event!

Tech Consulting for Internet Technology


At least I did something
Don Draper - Mad Men
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