On 2015-04-23 09:32, Antoine Benkemoun-Andre wrote:
> That’s a very good remark :)
> As I mentioned previously, we’re presently fully standardised on their 
> appliances (physical so far) and have no particular complaints about it so 
> we see no reason why we should not continue this way. In our opinion, 
> standardisation has quite a lot of value. 

You are talking about mono-culture and vendor lock-in.
Those have little to do with standardization.

Also note that from a perspective of most admins, mono-culture is bad,
as that means if one thing is broken, everything is broken, while
diversity would mean that a bug might not affect all things.

On the flip-side though, having only one thing to support does mean less
overhead; and if you are thinking about "cloud" firewalls, well, nothing
much can be helped there IMHO...

Without requirements (which could include "team is 1 person big, hence,
not going to bother with multiple things" or "we have zero budget" or
"management already decided" ;) little anybody can say if something is
good or bad though.


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