Guten Morgen,

Am 2016-03-18 06:36, schrieb Klaus Ethgen:
zur Zeit bekomme ich meine Mails an mit der Meldung
"550 SC-001 (COL004-MC2F18) Unfortunately, messages from
weren't +sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part
of their network is on our block list. You can +also refer your provider
to"; abgelehnt.

Dann musst Du Dir Deine IP bei MS über folgendes Formular wieder freischalten lassen:

Wenigstens rejecten sie Deine Mail und schicken sie nicht nach /dev/null ...

Zufälligerweise ist heute Nacht über die Mailop-ML das hier aufgeschlagen (hier als Zitat da in noch keinem öffentlichen Archiv gefunden):
Has the customer signed up for JMRP or SNDS?
Because if not, that would be step #0; see below.

And yes, under certain circumstances, Hotmail/Outlook will 250 the mail, and may then if it considers the IP sufficiently toxic, delete it without delivering it to the intended recipient's INBOX or Junk folder with no NDR. The issue will be highlighted in the SNDS report, however.

And there is *NO-ONE* at Microsoft who is a contact who can get things running smoothly again.
The policy is cast in ferro-cement, no exceptions:

1) Open a ticket and request mitigation for the IP(s) here:
2)      Wait and see what the machine thinks...
3) If the IPs are not mitigated, reply to the email and request it, and provide as much detail as possible about:
A)                  what happened,
B)                  what you did to fix it,
C)                  and why it Won't Happen Again.

As to the programs that Senders should join, they are:

Join the Junk Mail Reporting Program (JMRP)
We believe that your recipients are the best indicator that the email you are sending is wanted. The JMRP program allows you to see which of your emails users have marked as junk or unwanted mail. Reviewing the results in JMRP will provide to the most direct information on what characteristics of your email, customers, and ultimately SmartScreen®, consider to be unwanted. This helpful feedback mechanism allows you to ensure that mails being sent from your IP are not resulting in negative feedback that could impact your sending reputation. Being vigilant about users who mark your e-mail as unwanted or the types of messages that are being marked as unwanted can help you keep mailing lists updated with only interested users and modify future campaigns. In addition, monitoring user complaints can help you identify unintended mail traffic or detect a potentially compromised account sending unwanted mail to your customers. Enroll at

Join the Smart Network Data Services program (SNDS)
The SNDS program provides data about traffic seen originating from your registered IP, such as mail volume and complaint rates. The data is built from the log files of the inbound mail machines and other servers at and Microsoft and represents factual information about the traffic from your mail servers to users. For more information about this free program refer to To register, please go to (Tip: As part of the enrollment process, you are asked to sign the JMRP program agreement and then send a response to Support indicating that it has been signed. It's not uncommon for that step in the enrollment process to be missed.)

Auch mails an postmaster werden, entgegen jeglichen gültigen Standards
mit der selben Meldung quitiert.

Jepp. MS hätte den Kontakt gerne über o.g. Formular. :(

Haben noch andere diese Probleme mit bzw. hat wer eine
Kontaktmöglichkeit zu denen? Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, das die
ihre Server nicht im Griff haben.

Sie haben fürs Freischalten nen etwas seltsamen Prozess ...
... und fieserweise blacklisten sie häufig ganze Subnetze.


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