On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 04:04:33PM +0100, Massimiliano Stucchi wrote:
> Hi Roque,
> On 25/02/2020 15:45, Roque Gagliano wrote:
> > Hi Massimiliano,
> > 
> > It would be nice to clarify which CA was rolled-over. Was it the root
> > key that is present in the TAR files or the root RIPE CA or the
> > hosted-CA keys?
> I have no idea.  I don't work at RIPE NCC anymore, but I would say you
> can get directly in contact with Nathalie and I'm pretty sure she'll be
> happy to follow up.

The CA for RIPE in the ripe repository was changed, the RIPE TAL is still
the same. The validators will refetch all affected files and after that
will be fine.

:wq Claudio

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