On 2020-07-06 12:13, Steven Glogger wrote:
Hi community

We’re currently in discussion if we will proceed with our SwiNOG #27 plans or if not…
We would like to get your opinion.
Please help us and provide an honest answer to our really short questinaire (will take 30sec to fill in):

People be aware:

If you select "no" on the first page ("Would you like to have a..."), then you do not get to chose the multi selector which has more useful options:

- Remote: Join only if there is an remote / online session
- On-Site: Join personally on site I would not join online nor remote - - I'll just watch the presentations and videos late…
- I am ok for on-site if COVID infection rates drop by this tim…
- Join Onsite, no live stream (otherwise less ppl attend,) if i…

I think most people would have selected on of those options if they could: 70% said 'no' now and did not get to be represented in the second chart.... which skews the results quite a bit.

Also, keep that in mind when looking at the chart: 33 responses no, while 10 of those could fill in the second chart, 23 did not get to see it.

I am good with remote session (though I tend to then just watch the ones I am directly interested in to allow for questions/feedback, and watch the rest at a later point).


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