Guten Abend zusammen,

wer mit Interconnection - sei es Colo, IXP oder Netzbetreiber - zu tun
hat, dem ist PeeringDB ein Begriff und die gehört zum Toolset. Bitte
lasst uns daher eure  Meinung wissen.

Buona sera a tutti,

Chiunque si occupi di interconnessione, sia esso Colo, IXP o operatore
di rete, conosce PeeringDB ed è parte del set di strumenti. Quindi per
favore fateci sapere cosa ne pensate.

Bonsoir à tous,

Quiconque s'occupe de l'interconnexion - que ce soit Colo, IXP ou
opérateur de réseau - connaît PeeringDB et fait partie de l'ensemble
d'outils. Alors faites-nous savoir ce que vous en pensez.
Good evening everyone,

Anyone who deals with interconnection - be it Colo, IXP or network
operator - is familiar with PeeringDB and it is part of your toolset. So
please let us know what you think.


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [PDB Announce] PeeringDB Satisfaction Survey
Datum: Mon, 2 Nov 2020 07:55:40 -0800
Von: Leo Vegoda <>

We want input from network operators, exchange operators, facility
providers, content distributors and anyone who uses our
interconnection database. This year we are running an anonymous
satisfaction survey in addition to the usual feedback gathering we

The survey will be available here:

until 23:59 UTC on 20 November 2020.

We would like your feedback to help us make PeeringDB more useful to
everyone involved in connecting networks.This survey will help us
understand what is important to you and how satisfied you are with
what we are doing. We will use your responses to focus our product
roadmap on the improvements that will make things better for you. If
you have specific comments or suggestions, we’d love you to leave them
along with your ratings.

This is the first survey we are making available in multiple
languages. In this survey we are using the six UN languages for the
questions. That said, we’re happy with people providing free text
comments in another whichever language they are happiest expressing

We’ll share the results and the new product roadmap early in 2021.

Leo Vegoda on behalf of PeeringDB ProductCom
Pdb-announce mailing list

Keep calm, keep distance, keep connected!

Arnold Nipper
mobile: +49 172 2650958

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